本文关键词:论社会主义法治下的正义 出处:《大连海事大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 社会主义法治是马克思主义中国化的一大理论突破。社会主义法治的社会主义性质及中国特色决定了我国社会主义法治下正义的特殊性。社会主义法治语境下,对于正义的探讨必然离不开中国的现实国情与国家的基本性质。当代中国仍较为落后的生产力水平决定了中国正处于倡导正义的时期,而不是要背离正义。社会主义法治下的正义应根据不同语境确定其具体内容,实现实质正义与形式正义的辩证统一。 本文主体分为三个部分: 第一部分,即第1章,以当代中国法治建设的宏观背景为切入点,介绍社会主义法治下正义存在的社会基础。中国社会主义法治的社会主义性质及中国特色构成了社会主义法治下正义存在的特殊基础。社会主义是马克思主义的分配主张,构建正义的分配机制也就成为社会主义法治建设的目标。 第二部分,即第2章,通过分析现代主要的正义学说,抽象出形式正义与实质正义的基本分类及社会主义法治对两种正义的不同要求。辩证分析了实质正义与形式正义之间的关系,明确形式正义是实现实质正义的手段。社会主义法治下的正义是实质正义与形式正义的辩证统一,其中,实质正义是矛盾的主要方面,形式正义是矛盾的次要方面。 第三部分,即第3章,详细论述构建社会主义法治下的正义体系。设计出社会主义法治下正义的三项原则:人的尊严、人的全面发展及社会和谐。从立法正义、司法正义、行政正义三个方面阐释了社会主义法治下正义的具体内容。
[Abstract]:The socialist rule of law is a major theoretical breakthrough of Marx's Chinese. The socialist nature of the socialist rule of law and Chinese characteristics decide the particularity of China's socialist rule of law under the socialist rule of law and justice. The context for the discussion of justice inevitably cannot do without the basic properties of China practical conditions and national China. Contemporary is still relatively backward productivity determines the level of China is in advocate justice period, but not to deviate from justice. Justice under socialist rule of law should determine the specific content according to different context, to realize the dialectical unity of substantive justice and formal justice.
The main body of this article is divided into three parts:
The first part is the first chapter, with the macro background of the construction of rule of law in contemporary China as the starting point, the social foundation of justice under socialist rule of law. The socialist nature of the socialist rule of law and Chinese Chinese characteristics constitute the special foundation of justice under socialist rule of law. The Marx doctrine advocates socialism is the distribution, construction of distribution mechanism of justice also as the construction of socialist rule of law.
The second part is the second chapter, through the analysis of the theory of justice in modern times, abstracts the different requirements of the two kinds of justice of the rule of law and socialist basic classification of formal justice and substantive justice. The dialectical analysis of the relationship between substantive justice and formal justice, clear formal justice is the realization of substantive justice means of justice under socialist rule of law is. The dialectical unity of substantive justice and formal justice, substantive justice is the main aspect of the contradiction, the formal justice is a secondary side of contradictions.
The third part is the third chapter, discusses the construction of socialist justice system under the rule of law. To design the socialist rule of law under the three principles of Justice: the dignity of man, man's all-round development and social harmony. From the legislation and justice, judicial justice, the three aspects of administrative justice interpretation of the socialist rule of law under the justice of the specific content.
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