发布时间:2018-02-22 13:24
本文关键词: 表见代理 共有关系 管理性规范 效力性规范 出处:《湖南大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:夫妻一方转让个人独资企业,一方未经另一方同意,相对人有理由相信行为人具有代理权的,则构成表见代理,相对人可以表见代理主张该代理行为有效。关于《个人独资企业法》第15条规定的个人独资企业变更登记的性质,目前学界有两种观点,即“管理性规范说”和“效力性规范说”。关于该变更登记的性质应采用管理性规范说,即个人独资企业投资人发生变更应当登记而未申请办理变更登记的,依照法律应受到相应的行政处罚,,但并不影响转让行为的效力。但是《个人独资企业》第15条的规定比较模糊,表述不够精确。只规定了存续期间的变更事项应依法按规定日期进行变更登记,但并未规定违反该规定应承担的责任及对变更行为的效力如何。这种立法漏洞导致了理论争议不断。 样本案例的争议焦点是,袁某是否有权与王某签订《采矿厂转让协议》,未经变更登记的《采矿厂转让协议》效力如何。王某认为袁某经营管理某采矿厂的行为足以证明袁某有权与其签订该协议,故该协议合法有效,王某则认为袁某不是采矿厂是出资人,故其无权签订该协议。参照法院裁判,以夫妻代理为入口,通过对夫妻一方处分个人独资企业的权利来源分析以及个人独资企业权属变更登记对买卖合同效力的影响分析,解决所选案例的两个主要争议点,即夫妻一方处分共有财产的代理权问题和个人独资企业变更登记的效力问题。 最后,在评析两审法院判决的基础上说明夫妻一方处分除日常家事以外的其他事务时,在第三人善意且无过失的情况下应按表见代理处理。另外个人独资企业关于变更登记的规定略显模糊,存在不少弊端,通过对管理性规范与效力性规范优缺点的分析,确认该变更登记为管理性规范,便于在市场规制和司法事务中管理和操作。
[Abstract]:One of the spouses the transfer of individual owned enterprises, a party without the consent of the other party, the party has reason to believe that the person has the right of agent of apparent agency, people can relatively apparent agency claims that the agent acts effectively. On the individual proprietorship enterprise law "provisions of article fifteenth of the sole proprietorship enterprise registration in nature, there are two kinds of viewpoints, namely" management norms "and" effective norms ". On the nature of the change of registration should adopt the management standards that said, the sole proprietorship enterprise investors change shall be registered and did not apply for change of registration, in accordance with the law shall be subject to administrative penalties. But did not affect the effectiveness of transfer behavior. But the provisions of < > fifteenth of the sole proprietorship enterprise is vague, expression is not accurate enough. Only the provisions of the alteration of duration should be carried out in accordance with the change in registration according to the provisions of the date, but There is no provision for the liability for violation of the provision and the effect on the action of the change. This legislative loophole has led to a continuous theoretical controversy.
The focus of controversy cases, Yuanmou is right and Wang signed a mining factory transfer agreement > <, > mining factory transfer agreement without registration. The validity of the < Wang Yuanmou behavior management a mining factory proves that the yuan in its right to sign the agreement, the agreement is legally valid Wang believes, Yuanmou not mining factory is invested, so it has no right to sign the agreement. According to the court, to the couple agent for the entrance, according to one of the spouses to dispose of individual proprietorship enterprises the right source of analysis as well as the sole proprietorship enterprise ownership change registration analysis of the impact on the validity of contracts, to solve the two major the selected point of controversy of the case, the validity of the registration is one of the spouses of disposal of property rights agent and sole proprietorship enterprise change.
Finally, that one of the spouses to dispose of other matters except the daily chores than on the evaluation and Analysis on the judgment of the trial court, in third people in good faith and without negligence cases should be according to the apparent agency. In addition the sole proprietorship enterprise on the change of the registration requirements slightly blurred, there are a lot of problems, through the analysis of the standard and the management the effective specification of the advantages and disadvantages, confirm the change of registration management norms, convenient management in the market regulation and judicial affairs and operation.
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