本文选题:法治思维 切入点:社会矛盾运动 出处:《中国党政干部论坛》2013年01期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The report of the 18 National Congress of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) pointed out: "improving leading cadres to use the rule of law thinking and the rule of law to deepen reform, promote development, and resolve contradictions, This is the first time our party has asked leading cadres to make good use of the rule of law thinking and ways to resolve social contradictions and maintain social stability. This can be said to be a concrete measure for implementing and implementing the strategy of governing the country according to law. What does the legal thinking mean when resolving social contradictions? In order to resolve the social contradictions by using the rule of law thinking, we should grasp the following four points: 1.Advocate the "rule of law thinking" instead of "the rule of man thinking". The 18 report puts forward the "rule by law thinking", which highlights the realistic urgency of training the "rule of law thinking" and cautions.
【作者单位】: 中共中央党校政法教研部;
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