本文选题:《王位继承法》 切入点:英国王位继承制度 出处:《华东政法大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 17世纪的英国,在历经了内战、王政复辟和“光荣革命”等重要变革之后,君主制逐渐开始失去其固有的绝对权力,取而代之的是议会主权的逐步形成。英王詹姆斯二世被议会驱逐出了王位宝座,威廉三世这个外国人则被请来与他的妻子玛丽一起共掌英国王位大权。不过,威廉、玛丽和安妮相继无嗣的尴尬局面却使斯图亚特王朝陷入了继承人危机。 为了阻止詹姆斯重夺王位的可能以及排除天主教法国对英国的重大威胁,威廉与议会一起通过立法,使远亲汉诺威王朝的索菲娅公主及其信仰新教的直系子嗣成为了英国王位的下一任继承人。 1701年《王位继承法》正式颁布实施,该法案对索菲娅继承人的身份加以确认,同时也对于其后的王位继承人作出了重要限制,继承人及其配偶信仰英国国教是其拥有王位继承资格的必要条件,而世袭继承也是英国王位得以传递的必然途径。 《王位继承法》作为“光荣革命”胜利的重要成果之一,有其特定的政治和历史背景,其中有关继承顺序的规定及对天主教徒的排斥,体现了时代的要求和特征,并在日后逐渐影响并改变着英国的历史。此外,《王位继承法》的重要意义还在于它以法律的形式改变了“王权神授”的传统,体现了议会对王权的不断干预,议会通过不断削弱国王的权力,最终使国王的实权只剩下主持国家行政。《王位继承法》在总结和继承了英国历史上影响王位传承的众多重要因素的基础上,结束了一个世纪以来英国在王位继承方面的混乱局面,在它将王位赋予了汉诺威王朝之后,英国的王位继承又重新回归到其正常的轨道上来,并一直持续至今。 不过21世纪的今天,在英国王室奉行了数个世纪的《王位继承法》却面临着重要挑战,其法律条文中存在的对妇女和天主教徒的歧视问题成为众人抨击的对象,随之而来的改革呼声也愈发响亮。然而,改革并非轻而易举,在此之还有许多问题亟待解决。但无论《王位继承法》的命运将会如何,它在英国宪政历史上所发挥的积极作用是会永远被后人所铭记的。
[Abstract]:In 17th century, after the civil war, the restoration of the king and the "glorious revolution," the monarchy began to lose its inherent absolute power. It was replaced by the gradual formation of parliamentary sovereignty. King James II was expelled from the throne by Parliament, and William III, a foreigner, was asked to take over the throne with his wife, Mary. However, William, The embarrassment of Mary and Anne having no heir left the Stuart dynasty in a succession of heirs. In an effort to prevent James from regaining the throne and to rule out the great threat to Britain posed by Catholic France, William passed legislation with Parliament. Princess Sophia, a distant relative of the Hannover dynasty, and her Protestant direct heir became the next heir to the British throne. In 1701, the Law on succession to the throne came into force, which confirmed the identity of Sophia's successor and imposed important restrictions on subsequent successors to the throne. It is necessary for heirs and their spouses to believe in Anglican religion, and hereditary succession is an inevitable way to transfer the British throne. As one of the important achievements in the victory of the "glorious revolution", the Law of succession to the throne has its specific political and historical background. The regulations on succession order and the exclusion of Catholics reflect the demands and characteristics of the times. And gradually influenced and changed the history of the United Kingdom in the future. In addition, the important significance of the Law of succession to the throne also lies in that it changed the tradition of "Wang Quan's divine mandate" in the form of law, which reflected the constant interference of Parliament in Wang Quan. By continuously weakening the power of the king, the Parliament finally left the king's real power to preside over the administration of the state. The Law of succession to the throne summarizes and inherits many important factors affecting the succession of the throne in British history, After a century of confusion over the succession of the British throne, the succession to the British throne has returned to its normal track and continues to this day after it has given the throne to the Hannover dynasty. In 21th century, however, the monarchy's centuries-old Law on succession to the throne faces a major challenge, with discrimination against women and Catholics in its legal provisions being the subject of criticism. The calls for reform grew louder and louder. However, reform was not easy, and there were still many problems to be solved. But whatever the fate of the law of succession to the throne would be, Its positive role in the history of British constitutionalism will always be remembered by future generations.
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