本文选题:韩非 切入点:名实之辩 出处:《学术交流》2013年06期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:"the concept of name and reality" is an unavoidable theoretical premise for the various schools of thought to construct their political opinions. The "argument of name and reality" prevailing in the Spring and Autumn and warring States period provides a strong soil for the formation of Han Fei's concept of name and fact. Han Fei has absorbed the Confucian nominalism, advocated taking the name as the first, criticized the Confucian rite in the name of the law, and emphasized that the law is not virtuous. In the aspect of "what is the name of the name," Han Fei has absorbed the Taoist view of "taking the Tao as the foundation". It has developed into a new "inaction" theory of "taking the law as the basis" and realizing "not using the law but not the law". In the aspect of "why is it realistic", Han Fei drew lessons from the empiricism of the Mohist school. The theory of "taking facts and giving names" has been developed into a theory of "according to names and responsibilities and facts", which adopts Mohism's thought of still being the same, and advocates "the law of the law but not the sages". A comparative study of Han Fei's concept of name and reality is made. This paper further reveals the unique logic and characteristics of the formation of Han Fei's thought of rule of law. We should not only see the disputes between them, but also pay attention to the internal logical connection between them.
【作者单位】: 黑龙江大学哲学学院;哈尔滨师范大学马克思主义学院;
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