本文选题:社会管理创新 切入点:人大立法 出处:《新视野》2013年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Strengthening social construction and innovating social management cannot do without the construction of legal system as well as the institutionalized expression of the interests of different social groups. Among them, the expression of interests in legislative activities is the most fundamental institutional channel. At present, The lack of legal system for the disclosure of legislative information and the expression of interests of the people's Congress of our country, which lags far behind the rich and colorful legislative practice, has also led to the non-standard disclosure of legislative information of the people's Congress of our country and the imbalance in the expression of interests of all parties in the legislation. If this situation is not changed, it will affect the legitimacy of social relations, institutionalization and harmony and stability of social relations. Therefore, it is necessary to further improve the system of disclosure of legislative information and expression of interests of the people's Congress of our country, so as to establish and draft legislation. To standardize the publicity of legislative information and the mechanism of interest expression in various aspects such as deliberation, to promote the effective participation of the public in legislation, to fully express interest demands, and thus to improve the quality of legislation, To realize the essential function of the law as the institutional allocation and coordination of social resources and interests.
【作者单位】: 上海交通大学凯原法学院;上海市人大外事委员会办公室;
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