本文选题:两型社会 切入点:法律制度执行 出处:《合肥工业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:资源节约型和环境友好型社会(以下简称“两型社会”)是中部地区实现社会转型、科学发展而提出的社会形态。本文通过社会条件、经济构成、自然环境的对比研究,认为在中部地区两型社会建设中,法律制度执行效果主要存在区域差异性、不平衡性、不规范性等问题致使法律执行效果与社会效果没有达到有机统一。两型社会要求环境资源不仅要满足当代人的需要,又不对后代人满足其需要的能力构成危害,其目标在于使人类从过去以牺牲环境和资源为代价谋求社会发展的模式转换到人与自然和谐发展、经济增长与环境保护协调发展的模式。这与两型社会提出的“资源节约、环境友好”理念是契合的,正因为这种自然的契合,作为上层建筑一部分的法律制度,必然对“两型社会”建设具有深刻的指导意义。法律制度执行是实现两型社会的重要途径。 本论文分为五章分别展开调查研究,首先介绍了本文的研究背景,对国内外相关研究进行了评述,并介绍了研究意义、内容和方法。其次针对中部地区两型社会建设中不同区域法律制度执行效果的现状分析,介绍了中部地区两型社会法律制度执行效果的良好现状与存在问题的劣势问题,分析了中部地区两型社会不同区域法律制度执行效果的差异性。再次介绍了中部地区两型社会建设中,影响中部地区两型社会法律制度执行效果的原因,说明中部地区两型社会法律制度执行效果的特征,提出从两型社会法律执行机制建设的角度,法律制度执行方式角度,应当提供的法律保障。再其次从中部地区两型社会建设中,对于执法人员与执法对象提供的对策,分别从从执法人员,执法对象,执法监督过程提出应当提供的法律支持。最后对本文的内容和不足之处进行总结,并归纳出本文创新处。从立足资源贫乏区、贫困落后地区的现状,从立法制度、执行时效、执行方式、执行效果等视角,考察法律制度执行过程中主客观影响因素,提出解决办法和途径,,从而达到两型社会法律制度执行效果的有机统一与和谐。
[Abstract]:Resource-conserving and environment-friendly society (hereinafter referred to as "two-type society") is the social form put forward by social transformation and scientific development in the central region. It is considered that in the construction of two types of society in the central region, there are mainly regional differences and imbalances in the enforcement effect of the legal system. Problems such as non-standardization result in the lack of organic unity between the effect of law enforcement and that of society. The two types of society require environmental resources not only to meet the needs of the present generation, but also not to endanger the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Its objective is to transform the past model of human beings from seeking social development at the expense of environment and resources to a model of harmonious development between man and nature and harmonious development of economic growth and environmental protection, which is in line with the "conservation of resources" proposed by the two societies, The concept of "environmental friendliness" is compatible, because of this natural consonance, the legal system that forms part of the superstructure, The implementation of the legal system is an important way to realize the two-type society. This paper is divided into five chapters to carry out investigation and research. Firstly, it introduces the research background of this paper, reviews the related research at home and abroad, and introduces the significance of the research. Secondly, according to the analysis of the current situation of the enforcement effect of different regional legal systems in the construction of the two-type society in the central region, the paper introduces the good status quo of the implementation effect of the two types of social legal system in the central region and the disadvantages of the existing problems. This paper analyzes the differences in the enforcement effects of the two types of society in the central region, and then introduces the reasons that affect the enforcement effect of the two types of social legal system in the construction of the two types of society in the central region. This paper explains the characteristics of the enforcement effect of the two types of social legal system in the central region, and puts forward the point of view of the construction of the law enforcement mechanism of the two types of society and the way of the implementation of the legal system. Second, in the construction of a two-type society in the central region, the countermeasures provided by law enforcement personnel and law enforcement objects are from the law enforcement personnel and the law enforcement objects, respectively. Finally, this paper summarizes the contents and deficiencies of this paper, and concludes the innovation of this paper. From the point of view of the current situation of resource-poor areas, poor and backward areas, from the legislative system, the implementation of the statute of limitations, From the perspective of execution mode and enforcement effect, this paper examines the subjective and objective factors affecting the implementation of legal system, and puts forward solutions and approaches to achieve the organic unity and harmony of the implementation effect of the two types of social legal system.
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