本文选题:死刑起源与发展 切入点:死刑适用 出处:《郑州大学》2009年硕士论文
【摘要】:本文从中国古代死刑的起源入手,探讨中国古代死刑的内容与发展,主要从死刑的适用这个层面来看中国古代死刑,并在此基础上提出对我国现行死刑的借鉴与完善。全文分为四个部分,共计三万多字。 本文从死刑的起源开始,探讨死刑的渊源和起源的时间,接着阐述了我国古代从奴隶制社会到封建制社会的死刑的演变和各自的特点。 论文的第二部分是文章的主体。主要是论述了中国古代死刑在具体的适用过程中的体现,即死刑的适用制度。主要是从死刑的适用对象的限制,死刑复核制度,司法时令制度,死刑赦免制度,录囚制度等者五个方面进行详细的论述和探讨 接着从上面的论述过程中得出产生这样的适用制度的原因,首先是分析了此适用制度的形成的理论基础,接着主要又论述了其产生的经济原因和历史的原因。 最后是中国古代死刑适用制度对当代中国法律度的启示。根据我国古代死刑的适用制度的特点和可取之处,结合我国现代社会的情况,提出自己的建议。
[Abstract]:Starting with the origin of the death penalty in ancient China, this paper probes into the content and development of the death penalty in ancient China, and mainly looks at the death penalty in ancient China from the perspective of the application of the death penalty. On the basis of this, the author puts forward the reference and perfection of the present death penalty in our country. The full text is divided into four parts, totaling more than 30,000 words. Starting from the origin of death penalty, this paper probes into the origin and origin of death penalty, and then expounds the evolution and characteristics of death penalty in ancient China from slavery society to feudal society. The second part of the paper is the main body of the article. It mainly discusses the embodiment of the death penalty in the concrete application process in ancient China, that is, the application system of the death penalty, mainly from the limitation of the object of application of the death penalty, the system of reviewing the death penalty. The judicial season system, the death penalty pardon system, the prisoner record system and so on five aspects are discussed and discussed in detail. Then the reasons for such a system are obtained from the above discussion process. Firstly, the theoretical basis of the formation of the applicable system is analyzed, and then the economic reasons and historical reasons are mainly discussed. The last part is the enlightenment of the application system of death penalty in ancient China to the legal degree of contemporary China. According to the characteristics and desirability of the application system of death penalty in ancient China, the author puts forward his own suggestions according to the situation of modern society in our country.
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