本文选题:国家 + 社会 ;参考:《学术月刊》2013年10期
[Abstract]:It is the basic direction of the rule of law reform in China to change the development model from the government to the interaction between the government and the society.The benign interaction between the state and the society and the growth and development of civil society are not only the basic conditions for the development of the rule of law, but also the basic requirements for the transformation of the mode of the rule of law. The government should promote the growth of the civil society in the process of promoting the rule of law.The change of the relationship between the state and the society requires the government to innovate the social management mode and to create the conditions for the development and transformation of the rule of law in China.The social management innovation of the government and the development of the rule of law in China form a conditional fit relationship. The social management innovation not only promotes the transformation of the role and function of the government, but also limits the scope of public power.It also promotes the formation of the legal order with the character of self-discipline.There is still some resistance in the process of the modernization of Chinese legal system, and the government's social management innovation is still difficult in the process of promoting the transformation of the development model of China's rule of law.Its role in promoting the development of the rule of law is still restricted by legal instrumentalism and other factors.To correct the concept of legal instrumentalism, to eliminate its negative influence on the innovation of government social management and the development of China's rule of law, and to bring into play the positive role of the innovation of government social management in the transformation of the development model of rule of law.It is not only conducive to avoiding formalism in social management innovation, but also conducive to the healthy development of the rule of law and the long-term development of order and stability.
【作者单位】: 浙江大学法学院;
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