发布时间:2018-04-15 02:36
本文选题:香港 + 贪污 ; 参考:《烟台大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:贪腐是人类社会的顽疾,如何有效打击贪腐也是各国政府和学者普遍关心的话题。作为世界廉洁之都的香港,曾经也是贪腐的重灾区,如何实现从极度腐败到廉洁成风的转变,反贪立法在其中所起的作用以及如何发挥这种作用,,值得研究。本文以香港反贪污立法史为研究对象,通过对其动态发展演变历程的梳理,把握其规律,挖掘其经验,以期为我们的反贪污立法和实践提供借鉴。 全文立足于史料和前人已有的研究成果,共三章。第一章分沿用英国习惯法阶段、《轻罪处刑条例》阶段、《防止贪污条例》阶段、《防止贿赂条例》和《廉政公署条例》阶段四个阶段,纵向介绍香港反贪污立法的基本内容和沿革历史,评析各阶段立法的实际效果。第二章从宏观上对历次修订进行了小结,对1970年以来的历次修订进行了定量分析,得出修订的焦点在于对反贪调查权的调整呈现出一种从扩充到收缩,从“装上牙齿”到“带上牙套”的动态过程,并对“来历不明财产的管有”、“公职人员行为失当”和对行政长官的调查权三方面的内容进行了重点评析。第三章从因时立法与动态平衡——反贪成效的法制保障、民意呼声与高层决心——反贪污立法的推动力、贪污零容忍——反贪污立法的基本指向、相关机制同步跟进——反贪污立法的制度土壤四个方面提出了香港反贪污立法史的启示,并得出贪腐与人种无关,而是与权力尤其是无约束的绝对权力相关,反贪立法必须内外兼修方可取得成效的结论。
[Abstract]:Corruption is a persistent disease of human society, and how to effectively combat corruption is also a topic of concern to governments and scholars all over the world.Hong Kong, as the clean capital of the world, was once a major corruption-stricken area. It is worth studying how to realize the transformation from extreme corruption to honesty, and how anti-corruption legislation plays a role in it and how to play this role.This paper takes the history of anti-corruption legislation in Hong Kong as the research object, through combing its dynamic development and evolution course, grasping its law and digging its experience, in order to provide reference for our anti-corruption legislation and practice.Based on historical data and previous research results, the paper consists of three chapters.The first chapter is divided into four stages: following the British customary law stage, the minor offences punishment Ordinance, the Prevention of Corruption Ordinance, the Prevention of bribery Ordinance and the Independent Commission against Corruption Ordinance.This paper introduces the basic content and history of anti-corruption legislation in Hong Kong, and evaluates the actual effect of various stages of legislation.The second chapter summarizes the revisions from the macro perspective, and makes quantitative analysis of the revisions since 1970. It concludes that the focus of the revision lies in the expansion to contraction of the adjustment of the anti-corruption investigation power.The dynamic process from "installing teeth" to "wearing braces" is analyzed, and the contents of "possession of property of unknown origin", "misconduct of public officials" and the investigation power of chief executive are emphatically analyzed.The third chapter focuses on the legal guarantee of anti-corruption effectiveness, the voice of public opinion and high-level determination, the driving force of anti-corruption legislation, the zero tolerance of corruption and the basic direction of anti-corruption legislation.The four aspects of the anti-corruption legislation system soil put forward the enlightenment of Hong Kong's anti-corruption legislation history, and concluded that corruption has nothing to do with race, but with power, especially the absolute power without restraint.Anti-corruption legislation must be both internal and external to achieve results.
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