发布时间:2018-04-19 15:02
本文选题:普法 + 法治 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2014年博士论文
【摘要】:普法是我国法治国家建设进程中不应当忽视的组成部分。从实践层面来说,上个世纪八十年代初开始的一五普法到当下的六五普法,二十多年的普法活动影响了数以亿计的中国民众,改变了他们对于法律的认知与情感,为中国的法治建设及社会治理转型奠定了基础。从理论层面来看,普法是我国法治国家建设中必不可少的一个环节,不仅关系到我国法治国家建设的成败,同时也为世界其他国家的法治转型树立了榜样,具有极大的示范意义。对这一活动进行理论的深入探究不仅有助于丰富法治理论,也有利于对法律与社会关系的更深入理解,同时也会促进对于法律自身的理解。 本文的核心观点:我国的法治建设承载着中华民族复兴的希望,这是我国实现现代化的努力,也是我国社会治理模式转型的尝试。社会治理模式转型不仅意味着政府治理工具的转变,更是治理结构的重构。而要实现社会主义法治建设,达成现代化建设和社会治理模式转型的目标,则对我国的民众提出了更高的要求。实现上述目标,,有赖于公民与政府及公民之间的合作,最重要的合作途径则是守法以及对法律权威的尊重。在当前我国民众对法律缺乏认同的情形下,普法成为法治建设的必经之途。全面认清我国普法在法治建设中的地位和作用,并完善其不足,发挥普法的最大效果,是我国当下的必然选择。 本文的创新之处: 第一,通过我国从一五普法到六五普法的重点转移,深入探析了我国普法活动随着法治建设和社会治理转型而转变的内在逻辑路径,并分析了我国普法的结构,寻找普法的内在动因所在。 第二,明确普法的功能和限度以及我国普法活动中的不足,正确认知普法的作用与功能,以为制定合理的普法规划、确定普法内容、采取有效的普法方法奠定基础。 第三,结合相关学科研究成果,提出我国普法在目标、结构、方式及反馈和评价机制方面的优化途径,保证我国普法活动的长期、有效进行。 本文从选题的背景入手,阐述了普法对于我国社会主义法治建设理论与实践的意义,通过对我国当下社会法律与民众之间出现的隔离的情况的分析,引导出本文的主题。 本文首先回顾了新时期中国普法的缘起,描述了我国普法产生的历史和理论背景以及我国改革开放后法治道路的选择及其理论分析。中国法制改革的直接动因是对新中国建国之后的历史经验尤其是十年“文化大革命”的反思。20世纪七十年代末,中国走出了“文化大革命”的阴影,要求法治逐渐成为人民的普遍心态,法律逐渐成为国家治理的重心。经过十多年的理论探索和经验总结,依法治国成为国家的基本治国方略,也标示着我国社会治理模式从统治到法治的转变。而这样的转变背后,隐藏着法律与民众疏离的阴影。为解决这一矛盾并推进我国法治建设进程,普法应运而生。 其次本文介绍了中国普法的境况。简要回顾了我国从一五普法到六五普法的历史。期间我国的普法活动并非一以贯之,而是随着我国政策的转变、社会形势的变化以及对法治社会认知的加深而不断调整、深化。“一五”和“二五”普法期间,是我国的法制初创时期,普法的主要任务是社会秩序的重建;三五普法期间则围绕我国确立的社会主义市场经济建设目标,强调法律对经济发展的保障、推动作用;四五普法至今则将普法的重点置于公民的法律素质和法律观念的提升上来,这也是我国依法治国方略的要求。对普法历史的回顾,有助于我们理解我国法治建设的轨迹和社会治理模式的转型。在此基础上,总结了我国普法活动的特点,包括形式的多样化、普法活动规范化和普法对象重点化。 在以上的基础上,本文分析了新时期中国普法的结构,试图从结构的角度来阐明普法活动的运行机理。从普法主体来看,政府负责普法活动的规划制定以及推动,法律人共同体和媒体是协助政府进行普法不可或缺的组成部分。普法的受众是中国最广大的民众——包括普法的主体,尤其是政府。而我国的普法方式主要通过法律宣传和法律教育来进行。普法的内容则主要以法律常识为主。对普法结构的分析有助于我们了解普法的运作机理,从而在制定普法规划时能够做到有的放矢。 其后是本文对中国普法的反思,首先分析了我国普法活动各个主体在普法活动中的弊端,然后指出了普法活动自身的局限性,文章认为普法活动存在着自然限度和效果限度,从前者来说应当区分专业的法律教育与普法的界限,避免普法出现事倍而功半。同时这种区分也有利于维护法律职业的存在及权威性,这是法治社会存在并健康运作的前提。而从后者来说,我们对于普法的效果也应当有清醒的认识,不能作过高或者过低的判断。其次分析了我国普法活动中自身的一些不足,包括普法中的受众缺位、普法的内容缺陷、普法的形式化等。并进而论述了普法的外部环境对普法的影响,主要分析了政治环境因素和文化环境因素对普法的积极和消极的影响。 最后,本文探讨了新时期中国普法的续造,主要内容是我国普法的完善途径。在普法的目标方面,应当在做好法律常识普及的基础上,对法律的价值及思维方式进行普及以求得民众对于法律及其运行的理解,并进而形成偏好,将法律内化于民众的内心,最终促成法律权威的树立。在普法的受众方面,做好受众的细分。根据不同受众群体做好不同的普法宣传内容及策略,以获得最好的普法效果。在普法的途径方面,则应当掌握媒体的规律,充分发挥媒体的作用,使得普法深入人心。在普法的内容方面,则做好权利与义务、理念与知识、常识与理论、法律整体与法律个体几个层面的平衡。最后应当建立适当的普法效果反馈、评价机制,促成普法工作的良性循环。
[Abstract]:The universal law is an integral part of the construction process of the country ' s rule of law country . From the practical level , the five - year universal law , which began in the early 1980 ' s , has influenced hundreds of millions of Chinese people , changed their cognition and emotion to law and laid a model for the rule of law construction and social governance transformation in China .
The core idea of this paper is that the construction of the rule of law in our country carries the hope of the Chinese nation ' s renewal , and it is an attempt to realize the modernization of our country and the transformation of our country ' s social governance model . The transformation of the social governance model not only means the transformation of the government administration tool but also the reconstruction of the governance structure .
The innovation of this article is :
First , through the shift of China ' s key transfer from one - five - five to sixty - five , the internal logical path of China ' s universal law activities with the construction of the rule of law and the transformation of social governance is discussed in depth , and the structure of the universal law in China is analyzed and the intrinsic motivation of the universal law is found .
Secondly , it is clear that the functions and limits of the general law and the insufficiency of the law activities in our country are not enough . The function and function of the general law are correctly recognized , so as to lay the foundation for the development of reasonable universal law planning , the determination of the content of the general law and the effective method .
Thirdly , according to the research results of relevant subjects , this paper puts forward the optimization methods of our country ' s general law in the aspects of objective , structure , mode and feedback and evaluation mechanism , and guarantees the long - term and effective implementation of the universal law activities in China .
This paper starts with the background of choosing the topic , expounds the significance of the universal law to the theory and practice of the construction of socialist rule of law in our country , and guides the subject matter of this article through the analysis of the isolation between the present social law and the public .
This paper first reviews the origin of China ' s popular law in the new period , describes the historical and theoretical background of China ' s general law and the choice of the rule of law road after China ' s reform and opening up .
Secondly , the article introduces the situation of China ' s general law . It briefly reviews the history of China ' s popularization from one - fifth to sixty - five . It is not always consistent with the transformation of China ' s policy , the changes of the social situation and the deepening of the cognition of the rule of law society .
During the three - five - five - law period , the aim of the socialist market economy construction established in our country is emphasized , and the guarantee of the law on the economic development is emphasized , and the action is promoted ;
On the basis of the review of the history of the universal law , the paper summarizes the characteristics of the law - building in our country , including the diversification of the form , the standardization of the law activities and the emphasis of the universal law object .
On the basis of the above , this paper analyzes the structure of the Chinese universal law in the new period , tries to clarify the operational mechanism of the general law activities from the perspective of the structure . From the main body of the general law , the government is responsible for the planning and development of the general law activities and the promotion , the legal person community and the media are the main part of assisting the government to carry out the general law .
This paper first analyzes the shortcomings of the general law education and the limitation of the general law , then points out the limitation of the law education and the universal law , which is the precondition for the existence and the authority of the law society .
In the end , this paper discusses the continuation of the general law in the new period , the main content is the perfect way of the universal law in our country . In the aspect of the universal law , the value and the way of thinking should be popularized in order to obtain the best general law effect . In the aspect of the universal law , we should make full use of the law of the media and make full use of the function of the media . In the aspect of the universal law , we should do well the balance between the rights and obligations , the idea and the knowledge , common sense and theory , the whole law and the individual layers of the legal entity . Finally , we should establish the appropriate feedback and evaluation mechanism of universal law effect , and lead to the virtuous circle of the general law work .
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