本文选题:传统法律 + 近代化 ; 参考:《理论与现代化》2012年04期
[Abstract]:The modern social and historical conditions of China determine that the modernization of Chinese law must resort to foreign law, and foreign law has a process of localization, which can not be mechanically copied. From the late Qing Dynasty to the Nanjing National Government, localization has been the main principle of the introduction of Western law and the revision of China and France, and has been developed to a certain extent. However, there are some mistakes in localization, which makes the process of legal localization slow and tortuous. Reviewing this history again today and drawing lessons from the success or failure of the modernization and localization of the law is undoubtedly of great significance to the construction of the current legal system. The author interviewed Professor Guo Chengwei, China University of political Science and Law.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院;军事交通学院政治理论教研室;
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