本文选题:不动产登记制度 + 物权变动 ; 参考:《山东大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 自古以来,不动产就是人类最重要的生产资料和生活资料。近代以来,随着各国经济的发展和对私有财产保护的增强,不动产在一国经济中的地位日益重要。以不动产为对象的交易的增多,交易种类和交易方式的变化,呼唤建立良好的不动产制度。其中,不动产登记制度是不动产制度的核心内容。中国自建国后经历了经济体制转型的过渡阶段,并且此后经济快速发展。在这种情况下,原有的法律法规已经无法调整社会主义市场经济体制下的不动产登记关系,因此社会生活中许多关于不动产的问题处于法律的真空地带,为此,中国制定并修改了一系列与不动产登记有关的法律法规,不断完善不动产登记制度,但是仍不能差强人意。而作为中国的经济伙伴之一的韩国,早在其建国初期就建立了资本主义市场经济体系,并且于1960年形成了统一的不动产登记制度。本文详细比较了中韩两国的不动产登记制度的各方面内容,如中韩两国不动产登记制度的特点与法制、不动产登记制度的分类、不动产登记的公示、登记机关与登记簿以及两国不动产登记制度存在的问题和完善方案等。通过比较,希望能为两国不动产登记制度的完善提供一些借鉴或资料。 本文共分五章:第一章序言起到了提纲挈领的作用,引出了本文讨论的中心问题——不动产登记制度,并且交代了本文的写作目的和采用的研究方法。第二章主要介绍中国的不动产登记制度,并对中国不动产登记制度的特点、法源、种类、不动产登记的公示、登记机关与登记簿和登记程序进行了系统详细的介绍。第三章主要介绍韩国的不动产登记制度,内容涉及韩国不动产登记制度的特点、法源、物权变动、登记关系、登记制度的分类、登记机关和登记簿等。第四章是对中韩两国不动产登记制度的比较,从立法体系、物的编成主义、申请方式、登记的效力、登记官的审查方式和登记的公信力等六个方面进行了详细的比较。此外,该章还提出了中韩两国不动产登记制度中存在的问题,并提出了改善方案。第五章是文章的结语部分,对全文的内容进行了全面的回顾与总结。
[Abstract]:Since ancient times, real estate is the most important means of production and means of livelihood. Since modern times, with the development of national economy and the enhancement of private property protection, real estate plays an increasingly important role in a country's economy. The increase of real estate transactions and the changes of transaction types and modes call for the establishment of a good real estate system. Among them, the real estate registration system is the core content of the real estate system. Since the founding of the people's Republic of China, China has experienced a transitional stage of economic system transformation, and its economy has developed rapidly since then. In this case, the original laws and regulations can no longer adjust the real estate registration relationship under the socialist market economy system, so many problems about real estate in social life are in the legal vacuum zone, for this reason, China has formulated and revised a series of laws and regulations related to the registration of real estate, and has continuously improved the registration system of real estate, but it is still not satisfactory. As one of China's economic partners, Korea established the capitalist market economy system as early as the founding of the people's Republic of China, and formed a unified real estate registration system in 1960. This paper compares the real estate registration system of China and South Korea in detail, such as the characteristics and legal system of real estate registration system, the classification of real estate registration system, the publication of real estate registration system, The problems of registration authority, register book and real estate registration system of the two countries and the improvement scheme are also discussed. Through the comparison, we hope to provide some reference or information for the improvement of real estate registration system between the two countries. This paper is divided into five chapters: the first chapter plays a role of outline, leads to the central issue discussed in this paper-real estate registration system, and describes the purpose of writing and research methods adopted in this paper. The second chapter mainly introduces the real estate registration system in China, and introduces the characteristics, sources, types, publication of real estate registration, registration authority, registration book and registration procedure of Chinese real estate registration system in a systematic and detailed way. The third chapter mainly introduces the real estate registration system in Korea, including the characteristics of Korea real estate registration system, legal source, real right change, registration relationship, classification of registration system, registration authority and registration book, etc. The fourth chapter compares the real estate registration system between China and South Korea in detail from six aspects: legislative system, materialism, application method, registration effect, the examination method of registrar and the credibility of registration. In addition, this chapter also puts forward the problems existing in the real estate registration system of China and South Korea, and puts forward the improvement plan. The fifth chapter is the conclusion of the article, the full text of the content of a comprehensive review and summary.
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