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发布时间:2018-07-07 22:59

  本文选题:法之确定性 + 法之不确定性 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2013年博士论文

【摘要】:自19世纪末20世纪初以来,“法是确定的”作为人们长期以来的基本信仰和无须论证与阐释的元初命题,受到了来自实证主义、感性主义、相对主义乃至后现代主义的质疑、批判甚至颠覆式的攻伐。特别是哈特与德沃金围绕案件是否存在“唯一正解”展开的论战,不仅标志着法之确定论与法之不确定论的正面短兵相接,而且使之从此成为法哲学中重要的可争辩性基础论题。然而,相关理论都只是从某个单一的维度对法的某个部分的属性进行单向度的考察,获得的只是千面庐山之一面,自然跳不出摸象盲人式的争论,可能给人们造成“法既可以(能)是确定的,也可以(能)是不确定的”的模棱两可式的错觉,这是有害的。法之确定论或者不确定论相关命题成立与否,具有严格的语境限定性,切不可以随意使(套)用。 有关法之确定性的争论实际上是围绕传统司法公式“法律规则(R,Rule)×案件事实(F,Fact)=司法判决(D,Decision)”展开的,主要表现为法律规则、案件事实、司法推理的确定论与不确定论并且具有多种表现形式,论争的深刻根源在于双方哲学思维层面的客观世界的确定论与不确定论、知识的个体认知论与群体约定论、语言与对象的统摄论与对应论的对立,具有阐明客观事实与法律事实的非同一性、阐明个案正义与秩序正义的非等值性、价值共识与客观真理的非重叠性提供了新思路。借助“分段切割+重叠共识”、“客观同质+约定共识”、“性状描述+性状规范”、“形式逻辑+概率逻辑”的方法实现法之确定论与法之不确定论方法论的通约,并且在此基础上界定和论证法之确定性是可能。 界定法之确定性的概念应当把握其根本。既有的有关法之确定性概念的界定,诸如“唯一正解论”、“客观标准论”、“明确要求论”、“明确语义论”、“逻辑自洽论”等,不同程度将原本有机统一的主观与客观、整体与部分、本体与表象之间的关系割裂开来并使之对立起来,难免片面、残缺和肤浅。准确且清楚揭示法的确定性概念应当从形式和实体两个方面来进行:就法的确定性形式意义而言,是指人的主观认知与客观对象是否存在某种确定的联系,最好是准确揭示客观对象的确定属性,同时亦是社会对于何种客观见诸主观的观念是真理的约定的结果,以及在涉及“国家事务”领域由国家规定的结果。就法的确定性的实体意义而言,指司法裁判者所认定法律事实与客观的案件事实之间有无一致性,有无某种最终可以准确评价法律事实以法的形式表现出来的价值准则,以及将两者结合起来能否获得一个唯一正解的推理结论,并使这种唯一正解转化人们的实际行动。 关于法的确定性根据可以从认知论、价值论与表达论三个方面论证和说明。自认知论角度而言,法自根本上应当归于客观见诸主观的哲学范畴,作为“法”所统摄的全部客观对象,“法自体”具有自在性与客观性、质定性与量定性、稳定性与延续性;作为“法自体”表现形式的“法表象”,具有主体对之进行考察时的限定性、不同“法自体”表象的可区分性以及根据“法表象”逆向推断“法自体”的可还原性;作为主体认知结果的“法观念”,具有实体指向性、形成规律性以及约定共识性。自价值论角度而言,法作为人类的重要知识与技能,应当为人类认知并且把握、适应并且改造自然和社会提供确定指引,即向个体和群体提供明确目标、行为方式以及协调集体行动的公共权威;作为社会秩序建构手段,应当通过某种社会力量实现对社会的有效控制,通过确定的利益分配、交换、矫正活动保持社会交往的有序进行,通过“国家意志”保持社会价值准则与行为规则的统一及其贯彻;作为社会冲突裁判方式,应当将自己确立为绝对的裁判权威,为全部社会冲突的裁判提供一种规范化的“批处理”流程和机制,并且使一切诉求终于自身。自表达论角度而言,法主要通过语言的形式表达出来并且以之作为发挥作用的基本媒介,,具有根源于语言本身的确定性:其实体确定性表现为概念或者命题实体指向的唯一性、事实判断或者价值判断的非此即彼性以及命题的通性;形式确定性表现为语言文本的固定性、稳定性以及生成规律性;其语境限定性主要源自于语言自然限定性、法律专业限定性以及历史文化的限定性。 法乃是服务社会实践生活的。既需要由立法者将其对人们行为的具体要求准确揭示出来并且公之于众,为人们的行为提供规范的指引,而且要以此为标准评价和处断人们之间的争议,并矫正被违法行为破坏的社会关系。两者构成了法之确定性实现的基本途径和方式: 立法的本质是选择特定主体特定行为作为自己的评价对象,赋予此种行为特定法律意义及与之对应的法律制裁的种类和量度,迫使理性的人们为或不为特定行为。某个法律规则的确定,应当有其质地根据——社会危害性、量度根据——规制必要性和有效性、向度根据——将行为人引导向立法者所预期的方向,并且以“假定+处理+制裁”或者“行为模式+法律后果”作为基本结构的法律命题表达出来。为适应法律规则的公共性要求,应当从形式上采用普遍选举立法者并且贯彻多数决原则来凸显社会公众的“普遍共识”或者“重叠共识”;为适应法律规则的正义要求,应当贯彻罗尔斯的“两个正义原则”,以在社会公平的基础之上努力促进社会整体利益的最大化。同时,为了在立法的环节即避免和消除由立法主体多元化以及立法事项多样化所必然导致法律规则之间的竞合或者冲突,无论是立法权体系还是法律规则体系,都应当具有横向协调、纵向统一的合理结构,并且有相应的法律规则竞合与冲突消除机制,以使整个法律规则体系始终保持统一性和协调性。 司法的本质是将立法规则与具体的案件事实结合形成并且彰显确定性法律评价结论的过程。司法裁判确定性实现的基础和直接表现是个案司法裁判的“唯一正解”。个案的“唯一正解”的求获,必须以对案件事实作出并无二致的判定和固定、确定“唯一”的裁判规则及其“唯一”意谓为基础,以使客观案件的实然要素可以从逻辑上从属于法律规则的应然要件为前提,按照演绎推理的逻辑法则推断出来。此一机理推广及于全部讼争案件的关键,在于司法裁判者按照相同的证据搜集与采信规则,以及中立于案件事实、中立于讼争利益、中立于他人评价与异议的要求,对案件事实进行“标准化”的认定、剪裁和裁判。当然,司法的确定性最终必须使法律纠纷归于事实上和现实生活的终结,需要建立合理的司法裁判权威维护机制和执行机制,不仅维护和捍卫司法裁判者对案件事实的认定和评价在所有可能的其他认定和评价中权威性和终极性,而且要使司法裁判对讼争双方利益关系的重新安排和矫正得到切实的贯彻执行。
[Abstract]:Since the end of the nineteenth Century and early twentieth Century, the "law is determined" as the basic belief of people for a long time and the primitive proposition without argument and interpretation. It has been questioned by positivism, sensibility, relativism and even postmodernism, critical and even subversive attack, especially whether Hart and Dworkin exist around the case. The argument of "only positive solution" is not only a symbol of the positive connection between the determinism of law and the theory of law, but also the important arguable basic topic in the philosophy of law. However, the relevant theories are only one way to investigate the attributes of some part of the law from a single dimension. On the one side of the Mount Lu, it is not possible to jump out of the argument of the blind man, which may cause the illusion that the law can be defined and (can) be uncertain, which is harmful. Make use of (a set).
The argument about the certainty of law is actually centered around the traditional judicial formula (R, Rule) * case fact (F, Fact) = judicial decision (D, Decision). It is mainly manifested by the legal rules, case facts, the determinism and uncertainty of judicial reasoning and various forms of expression, and the profound root of the argument lies in the philosophy of both sides. The determinism and uncertainty of the objective world of thinking, the individual cognition theory and the group agreement of knowledge, the opposition between the theory of language and the object and the theory of correspondence, have the non identity of clarifying the objective facts and the legal facts, clarifying the non equivalence of the case justice and the Order Justice, and providing the non overlapping of the value consensus and the objective truth. With the help of "segmented cutting + overlapping consensus", "objective homogeneity + agreed consensus", "character description + character norm", "formal logic + probability logic" method, the general agreement between the determinism of law and the uncertainty theory of law is realized, and on this basis it is possible to define and demonstrate the certainty of the method.
The concept of defining the certainty of the law should be grasped at its root. The definition of the definitive concepts of the relevant laws, such as "the only positive solution theory", "objective standard theory", "clear requirement theory", "clear semantics", "logic self consistency", etc., are the subjective and objective, the whole and the part, the noumenon and the table of the original unity of the machine. The relationship between images separates and makes it antagonistic. It is unavoidable to be one-sided, incomplete and superficial. The determinacy concept of the exact and clear revelation method should be carried out from two aspects of form and entity: as far as the determinacy of law is concerned, it means that there is certain definite connection between the subjective cognition of man and the objective object, and the best is to uncover it accurately. The attribution of the objective object is also the result of the agreement of the society on what objectivity is perceived as the truth, as well as the result stipulated in the state in the field of "state affairs". In terms of the substantive meaning of the determinacy of the law, there is no one between the judicial facts and the objective case facts. There is no certain value criterion in the form of the law in which the legal facts can be evaluated in a certain way, as well as the combination of the two to obtain a unique positive conclusion, and to make this unique positive solution transform the actual action of the people.
The certainty of the law can be demonstrated and explained in three aspects: the theory of cognition, the theory of value and the theory of expression. As far as the theory of cognition is concerned, the law should be fundamentally attributed to the objective philosophical category which is objectively visible to the objective object of "law", and the "law autologous" has the nature of freedom and objectivity, qualitative and qualitative, and stable. Sex and continuity; the "legal representation", as the form of "law autologous", has the limitation of the subject, the distinguishability of the different "law autologous" imagery and the reducibility of the "law autologous" according to the "legal representation", and the "legal concept", as the subject of cognition, has physical directivity and shape. As an important knowledge and skill of human beings, law, as the important knowledge and skill of human beings, should be recognized and grasped for human beings, to adapt and remould nature and society to provide definite guidance, that is to provide a clear goal, a way of conduct and a public authority to coordinate collective action to the individual and the group; as a social order. The construction means should realize the effective control of the society through certain social forces, maintain the orderly conduct of social communication through the determination of the distribution of interests, exchange and correction activities, and maintain the unity and implementation of the social values and rules of behavior through "state will", and should establish themselves as the way of judging social conflicts. The absolute authority of the referee provides a standardized "batch" process and mechanism for the referees of all social conflicts, and makes all appeals themselves at last. From the perspective of expression, the law is mainly expressed in the form of language and is used as the basic medium to play its role, which is rooted in the certainty of the language itself: The definiteness of entity certainty is the uniqueness of the point of concept or propositional entity, the non - or or the other of the fact judgment or the judgment of value, and the generality of the propositions; the form certainty shows the fixity, the stability and the regularity of the creation of the language text; its context restricts mainly from the natural limitation of the language and the limitation of the legal profession. And the limitation of history and culture.
Law is to serve the life of the society. It is not only necessary for the legislator to reveal the specific requirements of people's behavior, but also to provide normative guidance for people's behavior. It also needs to be used as a standard to evaluate and disagree between people and to rectify the social relations that are violated by illegal acts. Both constitute the law. The basic ways and means for deterministic realization:
The essence of legislation is to choose specific subject specific behavior as its own evaluation object, give the specific legal meaning and the kind and measure of the corresponding legal sanctions, force the rational people to be or not be specific behavior. The determination of a legal rule should have its quality basis - social harmfulness and measure - It is necessary and effective to regulate the necessity and effectiveness, to guide the actor to the direction expected by the legislator, and to express the legal proposition of "hypothesis + treatment + sanctions" or "behavior pattern + legal consequences" as the basic structure. In order to meet the public requirements of the legal rules, the general election should be adopted in the form of general elections. In order to adapt to the justice requirements of the legal rules, Rawls's "two principles of justice" should be carried out in order to maximize the overall interests of the society on the basis of social fairness. The avoidance and elimination of the pluralism of the legislative subject and the diversification of legislative matters inevitably lead to competition or conflict between the legal rules, whether the legislative system or the legal rules system, which should have a horizontal coordination, a vertical and rational structure, and a corresponding mechanism of legal rules competing and conflict elimination, so as to make the whole law The rules of law always maintain unity and coordination.
The essence of judicature is the process of combining the legislative rules with the specific case facts and showing the conclusion of the deterministic legal evaluation. The basis and direct representation of the determination of the judiciary is the "only positive solution" of the case judicature. The "only positive solution" of the case must be judged by the facts of the case. Fixed and fixed, determine the "only" rule of judgment and its "unique" meaning as the basis, so that the actual elements of an objective case can be logically deduced from the prerequisite of the legal rules and the logical rules of deductive reasoning. This mechanism promotes the key to all cases of litigation, and the judicial judges press The same evidence collection and information collection and information acquisition rules, as well as the facts of the case, stand in the litigation interests, stand on the requirements of other people's evaluation and dissenting, and "standardize" the facts of the case, tailoring and referee. Of course, the judicial certainty must eventually make the legal dispute come to the end of the fact and the real life, and need to be established. The Authority maintenance mechanism and implementation mechanism of the judicial referee not only maintain and defend the authority and ultimate nature of the judicial judges' identification and evaluation of the case facts in all possible other cognizance and evaluation, but also make the judicial referee rearrange and rectify the interests of the two parties.


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