[Abstract]:Thought is the forerunner of political change. After the Opium War, a group of people with lofty ideals began to probe into the strategy of Anbang to save the country under the background of the increasingly serious crisis of the Chinese nation and the conflict between Chinese traditional legal culture and western modern legal culture, and put forward a plan to reform the autocratic monarchy. The emergence and development of constitutional thought experienced several periods: the Opium War, the Reform Movement, the Reform Movement of 1898 and the New deal of late Qing Dynasty. From 1905, the Qing government formally carried out the top-down preparatory constitution. Starting with the dispatch of five ministers to study the advanced experiences of western countries, they have successively sent a number of personnel to the western countries for inspection. On the basis of summing up the characteristics of their constitutional systems, A series of meetings were held to discuss constitutional issues and to listen to local governors. In preparing the constitution, the Qing government reformed the official system, set up the constitutional compilation and inspection hall, and made the "constitution court chapter", which specially planned the constitution-making activities. After the establishment of the Superior Yuan and the Advisory Bureau, the formation of the "Imperial Cabinet", the implementation of local autonomy at the local level, and the promulgation of the outline of the Imperial Constitution after the relative maturity of the conditions, the constitutional movement in the late Qing Dynasty was pushed to a climax. Later, the Qing government carried out a series of activities to promote constitution-making activities, but it was too late, local revolutions broke out, the Qing government has been out of control. In the end, the Qing government forced the collapse of the situation to throw out the "great tenets of the 19 articles of the Constitution." Then the Wuchang uprising broke out and the constitutional movement ended. Constitutionalism has been developing for thousands of years in western society. It is the result of the historical evolution of western society. It is the crystallization of wisdom rooted in the traditional soil of western culture and has its special historical and cultural foundation. There are differences between Chinese traditional culture and western culture in constitutional formation mechanism. It is necessary to recognize the "spontaneous evolution" of the western constitutional model based on the "evil theory of nature" and "liberalism" and the "theory of goodness of nature". On the basis of "state first, collectivism", the fundamental difference of "government advancing" constitutional mode should be paid attention to, while transplanting and drawing lessons from the successful constitutionalism model in the west, at the same time, we should pay attention to the localization of it. Make it blend into Chinese native culture and embody the essence of western constitutionalism at the same time. We should transplant and learn from the spirit and idea of constitutionalism, not copy the ready-made constitutional system of the West. How to correctly deal with the relationship between our national tradition and Western constitutional experience naturally becomes the focus of our attention. The solution of this problem should be based on the selectivity of the national tradition to the constitutional model, and seek the "joint point" between our national tradition and the western constitutional experience. That is to explore a possible way for Chinese traditional culture to receive foreign constitutional experience or foreign constitutional experience into our national traditional culture.
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