[Abstract]:Rural China's social governance is in a transitional period, it prescribes and shapes the rural China's legal life. The typical characteristics of legal life in rural China, such as the custom of norm, the morality of authority and the administration of justice, determine the knowledge, character and skill that the local legal person must possess. The work of long Jin-Pin judges has demonstrated this, and has also provided an example for the construction of the "Western Basic-level legal Talent Education and training Base" of the excellent legal Talent training Program, in which students' knowledge composition, personal character cultivation and professional skill cultivation are provided as an example. To train a large number of legal talents at the grass-roots level in the west of China who can be used and kept in the form of long and refined products will promote the efficiency and quality of governance of the local society and promote the cause of the rule of law in China.
【作者单位】: 西南民族大学法学院;
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