[Abstract]:During the period of the Republic of China, disputes about mountain, forest, land and land were always the main body of litigation, and Longquan, located in the south of Zhejiang, was mountainous, and it was called "nine mountains, half water and half farmland", and disputes over mountain production were more common. On the one hand, because many people depend on mountain forests for their livelihood, the disputes over property rights arise easily; on the other hand, due to the division of mountain forests, the circulation of pipe industry is more confused than the field. Once the property right of mountain forest is involved in litigation, most of them need on-the-spot investigation, which is an important means to investigate and obtain evidence and to understand the facts of the case. The information obtained from the investigation often becomes an important basis for the judicial decision and even has a decisive impact on the outcome of the proceedings. Longquan judicial archives keep a large number of litigation files involving mountain property, among which there are rich records of practice, which show a variety of similar and different details. According to the judicial files of Longquan in the Republic of China, this article is a lawsuit against the production of Longquan at that time.
【作者单位】: "龙泉司法档案"
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