[Abstract]:In the first chapter, the author makes a brief exposition of Hart's theory of law, a representative of positivism, which is criticized by Dworkin. According to Hart's theory of law, the key to understanding the legal system lies in the combination of primary and secondary rules, in which the rules of recognition take the highest place. Its effect comes from the habit of the participants in the practice of law. Most legal positivist scholars agree that the rule of recognition is a customary rule. In the second chapter, the background and itself of Dworkin's argument of semantics are discussed. In the book the legal Empire, Dworkin first puts forward the theoretical dispute, and thinks that the positivist law theory can not explain and explain the theoretical dispute, especially the core theory dispute. Dworkin believes that positivist legal theory uses the meta-semantics of habitualism, and it is the meta-semantics of inertialism that leads to the legal theory of inertialism, which is called "semantic thorny argumentation." In the third chapter of this paper, the response of positivist jurists to Dworkin's semantic argumentation is expounded and the conclusion is drawn that Dworkin's "semantic thorny argumentation" is wrong. Through the analysis of the relationship between the meta-semantics of inertia and the theory of customary law, the positivist jurists believe that there is no necessary connection between the two, and that Dworkin's "semantic thorny argumentation" is wrong. Positivist jurists believe that the root of Dworkin's error lies in the confusion between linguistic practice using the word "law" and the practice of enforcing the rules of recognition. In the fourth chapter, the author gives a brief explanation of the three problems related to semantic argumentation. In the fifth chapter, this paper is summarized.
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