[Abstract]:Hart constructed a huge and consistent jurisprudence system with his positivism attitude, liberal stand, the banner of the analysis doctrine and the feelings of the moral scientist, and saved the legal philosophy of the western Anglo-American world. He inherited and developed the analytical thoughts of Bentham, Austen and Kelsen, successfully applied linguistic analytic philosophy to analyze legal concepts and legal phenomena, and grafted Hume's Law directly into his descriptive legal theory. The essence of law is viewed from a broader perspective, the clarity of expression and sensitivity to various details are used to study law, morality and the relationship between the two, to further deepen the "separation proposition" and to refine the proposition of legal positivism. Became the founder of the New Analytical School. At the same time, Hart's thought was criticized by dissidents, but none of it could shake the correctness of his thought: Fuller gave a new explanation to Hart's theory of rules, and put forward "the inner moral theory of law", that is, the procedural version of natural law; Dworkin constructed an explanatory legal theory on the basis of Hart. Hart's self-proclaimed "flexible legal positivist" also shows the limitations of his thinking: language analysis is of little significance to the construction of the legal system, the recognition of the rules itself is also flawed, and the distinction between facts and value needs to be combined. Although the natural rights can not prove themselves, but also does not prove self-evident. In the primary stage of the rule of law in our country, the study of Hart's thought is of great significance to the construction of the rule of law: it is helpful to solve the problem of rooting and strengthening the consciousness of rule of law in our country, to solve the problem of law enforcement, and to solve the problem of law enforcement. From the challenge of the separation proposition, our rule of law should be the rule of good law. The significance of Hart's thought to our academic research of law is: to maintain scientific objectivity and transcend the neutrality of individual value in the process of research, we can not simply replace the logic of law with the logic of morality. The standard of morality should be treated differently in place of the standard of law.
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