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发布时间:2018-09-12 13:28
【摘要】:随着整个人类社会由落后向文明和法制的逐步迈进,人们对女性这个天然弱者的权益给予了越来越多的关注。而我国妇女权益从古代社会的极度落后到现在的处于世界领先地位,仅仅用了一百多年的时间,这不能不能我们深思,而这与中国共产党早期尤其是其掌握和控制了一部分区域之后的抗日战争时期对妇女权益的关注和保护有着密切关系。 本文从抗日民主政权妇女权益法律保护的思想渊源、抗日民主政权妇女权益的宪法保护以及抗日民主政权妇女婚姻权利的法律保护三个方面对此进行了一一分析,从而说明了抗日根据地妇女法律权益体系的确立是切实有效实现近代妇女权利的基础。 本文并不仅仅对抗日民主政权对妇女权益给予保护的法律条文进行了简单描述,而且还从经济方面进行了重点分析,指出了正是由于经济权益的保障和经济地位的提高,妇女的权益才能得到切实保证。进而论证了一种成熟先进的理论是如何全面有效的与社会实践相结合,在一个落后的、贫瘠的、异质的环境中根植和成长,最终真正成为具有法律效果、先进的、系统的妇女权益法律保护体系,并希望能由此能给现代的我们以启示。 本文以辩证唯物主义认识论为指导,综合运用了实证的方法、法社会学的方法和比较的方法,填补了前人对抗日民主政权妇女权益没有系统研究的空白。本文以抗日民主政权对妇女权益保护的法律规定为出发点,参考了古代以及民国政府对妇女权益的规定,以期能全面而不偏颇的对此问题进行分析论证。
[Abstract]:With the gradual progress of the whole human society from backwardness to civilization and legal system, people pay more and more attention to the rights and interests of the natural weak. However, the rights and interests of women in our country have been in the leading position in the world from the extreme backwardness of the ancient society to the present. It has only taken us more than a hundred years to ponder this. This is closely related to the concern and protection of women's rights in the early period of the Communist Party of China, especially in the period after the War of Resistance against Japan. This paper analyzes this from three aspects: the ideological origin of the legal protection of women's rights and interests in the anti-Japanese democratic regime, the constitutional protection of the rights and interests of women in the anti-Japanese democratic regime and the legal protection of the marriage rights of women in the anti-Japanese democratic regime. It shows that the establishment of the system of women's legal rights and interests in the anti-Japanese base area is the basis for the realization of women's rights in modern times. This paper not only describes the legal provisions of protecting the rights and interests of women in the anti-Japanese democratic regime, but also focuses on economic analysis, pointing out that it is precisely because of the protection of economic rights and interests and the improvement of economic status. Women's rights and interests can only be effectively guaranteed. And then demonstrates how a mature and advanced theory can be integrated with social practice in a backward, barren and heterogeneous environment, and eventually become truly legal and advanced. The system of legal protection of women's rights and interests, and hope to give modern us enlightenment. Under the guidance of dialectical materialism epistemology, this paper synthetically applies the empirical method, the method of sociology of law and the method of comparison to fill the blank of the previous research on the women's rights and interests in the anti-Japanese democratic regime. Based on the legal provisions of the anti-Japanese democratic regime on the protection of women's rights and interests, this paper makes reference to the ancient and Republican government's provisions on the rights and interests of women, in order to analyze and demonstrate this issue in an all-round and unbiased manner.


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