[Abstract]:After more than 30 years of reform and opening up, with the gradual maturation of our socialist market economy, the commodity economy of our country has been greatly developed, and many well-known commodities have emerged. China's independent brand in the international arena also has a strong competitiveness. Competition is the normal state of economic activity and the essential attribute of commodity economy. It is true that regular competition will act as a catalyst for economic development, requiring equal status among competitors, while abiding by the basic principles of fairness and good faith, but in practice, due to the great temptation of economic interests, Some competitors violate the principle of market competition and undermine the order of competition. Well-known commodities are the biggest victims of confusion. At present, the legal protection of well-known commodities in China is mainly reflected in the Anti-unfair Competition Law, but the provisions of this law are broad, and the provisions on details are not well reflected. Therefore, the research on famous commodities and its legal protection has important practical value. The most common infringing act in unfair competition is confusion. The case of Ferrero Company v. the unfair Competition of Montessori in this paper is to use the special packaging similar to well-known goods without authorization in the act of confusion. A typical case of decoration. This paper is divided into three parts: the first part is a case brief, mainly introduces the background of the parties involved, the trial results of the three-level trial court and its basis. The second part is the legal analysis, which is also the focus of this paper, mainly introduces the four constituent conditions of the behavior of confusion with well-known commodities; discusses what is well-known goods and their judgment; discusses the packaging of well-known commodities, Unique and geographical scope of decoration: clear sales time and prior well-known relationship. The third part is the thinking of the tort in this case.
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