发布时间:2018-10-09 19:31
【摘要】: 启蒙时代的自然法思想是在吸收古希腊罗马和中世纪自然法思想的基础上,针对当时欧洲社会现实,借助自然科学的方法论,对其加以改造和发展而成。理性自然法是这一时期资产阶级反对封建专制和教会神权的有力武器,同时也是资产阶级要求掌握政权,进行社会变革的理论基础。在当时社会,它是一种普遍的思潮。 启蒙时代自然法思想的基本特征在于其世俗性、理性主义及自然状态下以权利为核心的自然权利论和社会契约论。虽然人们习惯上称启蒙时代的自然法思想为理性主义思想,但在其发展演变过程中,自然法思想家们又不是一味地倚重理性,其中也有对理性的反思和批判,表现出对理性的偏离和超越:孟德斯鸠在重复理性自然法话语的同时,将重心转向环境多元论和法律的社会学研究;卢梭则以情感和道德风尚取代理性主义,树立起情感的权威,从而抽掉了理性主义存在的内核。由于历史发展与具体社会现实多样性的矛盾,再加上自然法自身的缺陷,启蒙时代的自然法思想在其发展高潮的同时也预示着自身的衰落。孟德斯鸠和卢梭对理性的偏离正是对其内部的瓦解;休谟却是基于它的前提和推论从认识论的角度予以攻击;而伯克则是从经验和传统的角度颠覆了其存在的价值。 客观地说,启蒙时代的自然法思想是历史发展的产物,它的存在有其必然的合理性。但是当历史继续前行时,反映更新的现实需求的思想必定会取而代之,这也是历史的必然。十八世纪自然法思想的衰落正是预示着一个开放性的多元化思想体系时代的到来。在它之后自由主义、浪漫主义、保守主义以及马克思主义等思想应运而生,从而也成就了十九世纪乃至现代思想文化多样性的碰撞融合、全面发展的新时期。
[Abstract]:The thought of natural law in the Enlightenment period was formed on the basis of absorbing the thought of natural law in ancient Greece and Rome and in the Middle Ages, according to the social reality of Europe at that time, with the help of the methodology of natural science, it was transformed and developed. Rational natural law is a powerful weapon for the bourgeoisie to oppose feudal autocracy and ecclesiastical power in this period. At the same time, it is also the theoretical basis for the bourgeoisie to master political power and carry out social change. It was a popular trend of thought in the society at that time. The basic characteristics of the thought of natural law in the Enlightenment era lie in its secular nature, rationalism and the theory of natural rights and social contract with the core of rights as the core in the state of nature. Although it is customary for people to call the thought of natural law in the Enlightenment era as rationalism, in the course of its development and evolution, the thinkers of natural law do not blindly rely on reason, among which there is reflection and criticism of reason. Montesquieu, while repeating the discourse of rational natural law, turned his emphasis to the study of environmental pluralism and sociology of law, while Rousseau replaced rationalism with emotion and moral fashion. The establishment of emotional authority, thus removing the core of the existence of rationalism. Due to the contradiction between the historical development and the diversity of the concrete social reality and the defects of the natural law itself, the thoughts of natural law in the Enlightenment era also foreshadowed its own decline while its development climax. Montesquieu and Rousseau's deviation from reason is precisely the disintegration of their interior; Hume attacks from the perspective of epistemology on the basis of its premises and corollaries, while Burke subverts its existence value from the perspective of experience and tradition. Objectively speaking, the thought of natural law in the Enlightenment period is the product of historical development, and its existence has its inevitable rationality. But as history goes on, ideas that reflect new needs are bound to take its place. The decline of natural law in the 18 th century heralded the arrival of an open and pluralistic ideological system. After that, liberalism, romanticism, conservatism and Marxism emerged as the times require, which also achieved the collision and fusion of the diversity of thought and culture in the 19th century and even the modern times.
[Abstract]:The thought of natural law in the Enlightenment period was formed on the basis of absorbing the thought of natural law in ancient Greece and Rome and in the Middle Ages, according to the social reality of Europe at that time, with the help of the methodology of natural science, it was transformed and developed. Rational natural law is a powerful weapon for the bourgeoisie to oppose feudal autocracy and ecclesiastical power in this period. At the same time, it is also the theoretical basis for the bourgeoisie to master political power and carry out social change. It was a popular trend of thought in the society at that time. The basic characteristics of the thought of natural law in the Enlightenment era lie in its secular nature, rationalism and the theory of natural rights and social contract with the core of rights as the core in the state of nature. Although it is customary for people to call the thought of natural law in the Enlightenment era as rationalism, in the course of its development and evolution, the thinkers of natural law do not blindly rely on reason, among which there is reflection and criticism of reason. Montesquieu, while repeating the discourse of rational natural law, turned his emphasis to the study of environmental pluralism and sociology of law, while Rousseau replaced rationalism with emotion and moral fashion. The establishment of emotional authority, thus removing the core of the existence of rationalism. Due to the contradiction between the historical development and the diversity of the concrete social reality and the defects of the natural law itself, the thoughts of natural law in the Enlightenment era also foreshadowed its own decline while its development climax. Montesquieu and Rousseau's deviation from reason is precisely the disintegration of their interior; Hume attacks from the perspective of epistemology on the basis of its premises and corollaries, while Burke subverts its existence value from the perspective of experience and tradition. Objectively speaking, the thought of natural law in the Enlightenment period is the product of historical development, and its existence has its inevitable rationality. But as history goes on, ideas that reflect new needs are bound to take its place. The decline of natural law in the 18 th century heralded the arrival of an open and pluralistic ideological system. After that, liberalism, romanticism, conservatism and Marxism emerged as the times require, which also achieved the collision and fusion of the diversity of thought and culture in the 19th century and even the modern times.
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