Public health is an important social problem in the process of urbanization. The public health policy is also one of the most essential aspects of public policy. Public health is not only related to the urban development, but also to the stability of the social order and harmony. Since the industrial revolution, the rapid development of social economy has accelerated the urbanization process greatly, resulting in various social problems, among which the problem of public health is especially serious. During1830s and1840s, facing such a severe public health problem, driven by a large number of public health reformers, the British Parliament passed the1848Public Health Act which marks the central government began to abandon the principles of Laissez-Faire, breaking with the tradition of local self-governance by means of legislative interventions in the field of public health. With respect to water supply, sewage, waste disposal, housing and other issues, the act specifies the responsibilities and obligations of the government. The act also establishes the first public health agency in British history-the Central Health Committee, managing and supervising public health at the national level. Therefore, the act has stricken a way for the British public health reform movement by establishing the direction of its development in the future. This paper is divided into three chapters and their main contents are as follows:The first chapter mainly elaborates the background of the1848Public Health Act which focuses on three aspects:urban environment, disease and the public health management at the time. The paper summarizes the characteristics of British public health conditions, combining historical materials, which are classified into three aspects:living, working and natural environment in the cities. The severe health status in cities is introduced in multi-layers and multi-angles in order to seek deep reasons for the public health reform movement during1830s and1840s. Then the author describes the disease and health conditions of British society in the first half of19th century by separately introducing the infectious diseases, epidemics and occupational diseases of this period, therefore points out their relationship with the public health situations. Based on the argument above, the paper describes the British public health administrative organizations and their operating situations and points out that this management system of traditional agricultural society cannot meet the requirements of an industrialized society.The second chapter mainly discusses the public health reform movement in1830s and1840s and the making process of the1848Public Health Act. First of all, the author introduces the origin, development and achievement of the public health reform movement during1830s and1840s. The paper also illustrates thoroughly the solid social basis of the1848Public Health Act established by this reform movement and how various thoughts on public health springing from the movement became the main resource of the content of the1848Public Health Act. Second the paper describes how the1848Public Health Act was put forward and its main content. Mopaths submitted the bill of the public health to the Parliament twice in1847-48which embodies Chadwick’s thought on public health---to strengthen national intervention in the field of public health and realize centralized management. The last part of the chapter introduces the debate on this bill in the Parliament. Local forces and liberals strongly opposed the bill and they heatedly debated with the supporters of public health reform, which greatly weakened the centralization tendency of the bill.On the basis of the first two chapters, Chapter Ⅲ discusses the impact and evaluation of the1848Public Health Act. First of all, from the point of micro view, how the health committee led the management of cholera and its achievements are introduced. Then from the perspectives of medium level, how the1848Public Health Act preliminarily established the national health system is elaborated. Furthermore, from a macro point of view, the author summarizes the profound significance of this act that it has created a mode of state intervention in public health. Finally, from both positive and negative aspects, the author evaluates the act objectively and ensures its historical position.The conclusion part summarizes the legislation’s origin, process and result of the1848Public Health Act, based on which the author discusses the state’s duties in the field of public health when the country entered into an industrial society.
中文摘要3-5Abstract5-7导言9-17 一、研究源起9 二、研究状况9-15 三、研究方法15-16 四、研究意义16-17第一章 19世纪英国前半期公共卫生状况17-33 第一节 城市环境与公共卫生状况17-23 第二节 19世纪前期英国的疾病与健康状况23-28 第三节 19世纪前半期英国公共卫生的管理状况28-33第二章 公共卫生改革的兴起和1848年《公共卫生法案》的通过33-59 第一节 19世纪三、四十年代的公共卫生改革运动33-44 第二节 1848年《公共卫生法案》的提出和主要内容44-51 第三节 法案在议会辩论过程中的焦点问题51-59第三章 1848年《公共卫生法案》的影响及评价59-70 第一节 改善公共卫生状况59-62 第二节 初步构建英国公共卫生体系62-64 第三节 开创国家干预公共卫生事业的模式64-67 第四节 1848年《公共卫生法案》的评价67-70参考文献70-74后记74-75