[Abstract]:The 18th National Congress of the Party put forward "comprehensively promoting governing the country according to law", and the promotion of running schools according to law is also urgent. The key to running a school according to law is to administer according to law, and whether or not to administer according to law depends on whether the leading cadres have the thinking of ruling by law. Because of the influence of "official standard" thought for a long time in our country, the consciousness of rule of law is weak, the ability of rule of law is insufficient, and the environment of rule of law is lacking, all of these lead to the lack of legal thinking of leaders in colleges and universities. By establishing and perfecting the guiding mechanism of selecting and employing personnel, selecting persons with legal background as leaders, broadening the platform for cultivating the thinking of rule by law, and establishing and perfecting the restriction and supervision mechanism for the operation of power, The cultivation of the culture of rule of law makes the leaders of colleges and universities form the thinking of rule by law and realize the management of schools according to law.
【作者单位】: 安阳师范学院政法学院;
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