[Abstract]:Both China and Russia concentrate the crime of stolen goods on the criminal law and change the legislation at the same time, but the crimes belong to different criminal law system. The two countries are not entirely in agreement on the scope of the predicate offence. The two countries have a consistent understanding of property as criminal booty. The criminal codes of both countries list the criminal acts of stolen goods by enumeration, but the enumerations of the criminal codes of our country are more detailed. Both sides agree that natural persons can commit crimes, but Russia denies that units can commit crimes. It is more reasonable to stipulate the subject of Russia's heavier responsibility. The two sides hold different views on whether indirect intent constitutes a crime. On the standard of accomplishing the crime of stolen goods, the detailed provisions of the criminal law on the behavior of the crime of stolen property are more advantageous to the identification of the accomplished crime of stolen property. Russian penal code sentencing conditions specific, various types of punishment, punishment humanization of the practice is worthy of reference.
【作者单位】: 天津师范大学法学院;武汉大学法学院;
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