发布时间:2018-11-01 19:59
【摘要】:法制是法律和制度的总称,是统治阶级按照自己的意志通过国家权力建立起来的法律制度。法制的本质是为了维护统治阶级的利益,打击敌对势力,建立稳固的社会秩序。新闻法制是指有关新闻事业的法律、规章和管理制度,涉及国家对新闻事业的控制与管理、新闻业内部行为与准则、新闻从业人员的职业道德以及国家和公民在新闻传播活动中应当遵守的行为准则等方面的内容。它是一个国家法律体系的重要组成部分,尤其是在现今信息化社会中发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文所指的新闻出版法制指的是近代意义上的新闻出版法律体系。鸦片战争以后,西方的近代主义思潮大量涌入中国,为先进的知识分子所接受。中国报刊业的发展也使得清政府对言论思想的控制力不从心,新的新闻出版理念已经逐步形成。为了维护封建统治,晚晴政府希望借助西方先进的法律形式笼络民心,变法修律被提上日程,以报律为主要形式出现的新闻出版法制应运而生。清末的新闻出版立法经过了较长的前期准备,先后出台了五部专门的报刊出版法规,在形式和内容上也越来越完善,并在实践中得到实施,开启了中国近代新闻出版立法的进程,成为中国新闻出版法制的开端,实现了文化专制历史性的突破。但是与清末整个宪政的实质一样,其新闻出版立法也只是“以西学为体,中学为用”,借助西方资本主义的先进形式实行封建专制统治的内容,因此在实施过程中得到了外界的顽强抵抗,其实施效果并不理想。本文以清末新闻出版立法的理念以及影响为主线,从清末新闻出版立法的背景、主要内容、实施以及评价四个方面来全面地认识清末的新闻出版法制。全文分为以下几个部分: 引言:介绍研究现状、研究目的以及研究方法等,对文章内容进行总览概述。 第一部分:清末新闻出版立法的背景。鸦片战争以后清政府已经外强中干,其统治摇摇欲坠。中国近代报刊业如雨后春笋般迅速发展,西方的新闻出版立法理念也涌入中国,对传统的言论自由造成冲击。本部分主要从三个视角对这一时期的新闻出版立法产生的环境进行分析:第一,近代新闻法制思想的萌生与发展;第二,知识分子大力呼吁新闻自由;第三,清政府制定新闻法规的直接动因。 第二部分:清末新闻立法的主要内容。这部分主要是从两个方面对清末新闻法制的内容进行详细的归纳总结:其一,是对具体的新闻法规进行大致介绍,清末主要的新闻法规有五部,从制定主体、法规的主要内容、执行情况进行简单说明,其中着重总结了条文法规的内容;其二,根据对法规的内容的了解,从整个清末的新闻法律体系出发,归纳出清末新闻出版法的内容。 第三部分:清末新闻法规的实施状况。主要是从实施措施和实施效果两个方面来深入探讨。首先,客观的指出清末统治者对新闻法规的实施主要采取了设置专门机构、制定奖惩措施、规定空间实施效力等措施;其次,整理史料并举例说明为什么当时清政府制定新闻法规之后在实施的过程中不仅受到了重重阻力而且最终的实施效果并不理想。 第四部分:结合前面对清末新闻法制的内容介绍进行简要的评析。对任何事物都要用辩证的眼光看待,清末新闻法制开历史之先河,但也不可避免地带有封建性、殖民性等时代特色。
[Abstract]:The legal system is the general term of law and system, and it is the legal system established by the State Party in accordance with its will through the power of the state. The essence of the legal system is to safeguard the interests of depositors, to combat the hostile forces and to establish a stable social order. The law of journalism refers to the laws, regulations and management systems of journalism, involving the control and management of journalism, the internal behavior and norms of journalism, The professional ethics of journalism practitioners and the codes of conduct that States and citizens should abide by in the dissemination of information. It is an important part of a national legal system, especially in the current information society. The law of press and publication referred to in this paper refers to the legal system of press and publication in the modern sense. After the Opium War, the western modern trend of thought poured into China and accepted the advanced intellectuals. The development of the newspaper industry in China has also made the Qing government's control over the thought of speech, and the new idea of publishing and publication has been gradually formed. In order to maintain the feudal rule, the late Qing government hopes to use the advanced legal form of western law to cage the people's heart, and the law of law is put on the agenda, and the press and publication law which appeared in the form of newspaper law came into being. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the press and publication legislation in the late Qing Dynasty went through a long period of preparation. Five specialized newspapers and periodicals were published in succession. In the form and content, the press and publication legislation became more and more perfect and implemented in practice, and opened the process of China's modern press and publication legislation. It became the beginning of China's press and publication system, and realized the historic breakthrough of cultural autocracy. But with the essence of the whole constitutionalism in the late Qing Dynasty, its press and publication legislation is only a 鈥淭aking western learning as a body, middle schools are used鈥,
[Abstract]:The legal system is the general term of law and system, and it is the legal system established by the State Party in accordance with its will through the power of the state. The essence of the legal system is to safeguard the interests of depositors, to combat the hostile forces and to establish a stable social order. The law of journalism refers to the laws, regulations and management systems of journalism, involving the control and management of journalism, the internal behavior and norms of journalism, The professional ethics of journalism practitioners and the codes of conduct that States and citizens should abide by in the dissemination of information. It is an important part of a national legal system, especially in the current information society. The law of press and publication referred to in this paper refers to the legal system of press and publication in the modern sense. After the Opium War, the western modern trend of thought poured into China and accepted the advanced intellectuals. The development of the newspaper industry in China has also made the Qing government's control over the thought of speech, and the new idea of publishing and publication has been gradually formed. In order to maintain the feudal rule, the late Qing government hopes to use the advanced legal form of western law to cage the people's heart, and the law of law is put on the agenda, and the press and publication law which appeared in the form of newspaper law came into being. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the press and publication legislation in the late Qing Dynasty went through a long period of preparation. Five specialized newspapers and periodicals were published in succession. In the form and content, the press and publication legislation became more and more perfect and implemented in practice, and opened the process of China's modern press and publication legislation. It became the beginning of China's press and publication system, and realized the historic breakthrough of cultural autocracy. But with the essence of the whole constitutionalism in the late Qing Dynasty, its press and publication legislation is only a 鈥淭aking western learning as a body, middle schools are used鈥,