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发布时间:2017-01-01 02:29


中韩危害国家安全罪比较研究 A comparativestudy oftheCrime ofjeopardizing the A comparativestudy oftheCrime ofjeopardizing the AAccoommppaarraattiivveessttuuddyyoofftthheeCCrriimmeeooffjjeeooppaarrddiizziinnggtthhee nationalsecurity betweenChinaandKorea nationalsecurity betweenChinaandKorea nnaattiioonnaallsseeccuurriittyybbeettwweeeennCChhiinnaaaannddKKoorreeaa Abstract Abstract AAbbssttrraacctt China and Korean criminal laws stipulate the crime of jeopardizing the national security.In terms of the legislation of the concept, scope, legislative history, elements, classification and charges settings have in common.However,there are also many differences.These differences were apparent decided by the different national political philosophy and the constitution system between China and Korea. The crime of jeopardizing the national security of China is affected by minority separatist forces Tibetan separatist, East Turkistan separatists , the Taiwan independence forces, one country two systems of political factors, has a unique history, criminal justice system, on the characteristics of the crime constitution. The crime of jeopardizing the national security of Korea is also affected by the 'North South split' special national status and the national philosophy of liberal democracy, has its own unique legal system of criminal law, the characteristics of legal form.The author believes that the comparative study of the crime of jeopardizing the national security between China and Korea is meaningful,the criminal stipulates between the two countries also have their own strengths. In this paper,the crime of jeopardizing the national security between China and Korea will be systematically analyzed and compared by studying their concept and II 万方数据 中韩危害国家安全罪比较研究 scope, history, the characteristics of legal form, criminal types and offenses and related criminal law system, and combining the practice of the two countries,prospect





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