[Abstract]:The law of the Qing Dynasty carries the core values and ideas in the tradition of law. Different from the case study, solving judicial problems is not the only value of law writing. To a certain extent, it also has some symbolic significance. The conflict and unity between traditional political ideal and social reality are well taken into account. Law is inherited from the tradition of the Code of Law. The moral source of the divine destiny and the legislative purpose of pil Cheng's enlightenment are the manifestations of this philosophy of sage governance in the field of legislation. The meaning of declaring "the ideal of order" contained in the law of the Qing Dynasty further indicated the position of the sage's governance. Thus, the law, which is dependent on politics, is guided by political philosophy and obtains legitimacy from the ruling authority. At the same time, it further declares the legitimacy of the ruling authority by marking the social tradition and the ideal of order.
【作者单位】: 华东政法大学法律史中心;
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