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发布时间:2018-11-20 16:13
【摘要】: 法律,是国家意志与权威的集中体现,作为统治阶级维护其统治秩序的重要工具,为历代封建王朝的统治者所重视。秦汉时期的法律是以律令体系的形式出现,对政治、社会、经济等各个方面都进行了规定和约束,在秦汉时期起到了巨大的作用。但是由于秦律、汉律早已亡佚,因而使人们对于秦汉时期的法律缺乏准确的把握。 随着上个世纪的考古发掘,出土了一大批秦汉简牍,弥补了秦汉法制研究中文献不足的缺憾。特别是云梦睡虎地秦墓竹简和张家山汉墓竹简的出土,揭开了秦汉律令体系的神秘面纱,本文就以出土文献中的一个法律概念——“与盗同法”作为切入点。首先,阐明秦汉时期“盗”的定义,秦汉时期的盗大致可以分为窃盗,强盗与群盗,以及一些特殊意义上的盗,概括起来讲,就是狭义上的盗和广义上的盗。其次,“与盗同法”其实就是一个比照性的条款,是秦汉法律体系不健全的产物。再次,通过具体分析秦汉两个时期“与盗同法”的量刑标准,总结出秦汉两个时期的判罚标准虽大体一致,但仍有区别,特别是汉文帝改革之后,这种区别更加明显。最后,根据对“与盗同法”的分析,总结出其所体现的刑法原则,即按赃处理原则,共同犯罪加重判罚原则,数罪从重原则,官吏犯法从重原则。最终,希望对于秦汉律令体系能有一个更为准确的把握和更为深入的了解。
[Abstract]:Law, as an important tool for the ruling class to maintain its ruling order, is the concentrated embodiment of the will and authority of the state. The law of the Qin and Han dynasties appeared in the form of the law system, which stipulated and restricted the political, social, economic and other aspects, and played a great role in the Qin and Han dynasties. However, due to the laws of Qin Dynasty, the laws of Han Dynasty have long been lost, which makes people lack accurate understanding of the laws of Qin and Han dynasties. With the archaeological excavations of the last century, a large number of Qin and Han bamboo slips were unearthed, which made up for the lack of literature in the study of Qin and Han legal system. Especially, the unearthed bamboo slips of Qin tomb and Zhangjiashan tomb unearthed in Yunmeng Tiger Land, uncover the mysterious veil of the legal system of Qin and Han dynasties, this article takes the law concept of "the same law with theft" as the breakthrough point of the unearthed literature. Firstly, it clarifies the definition of "theft" in Qin and Han dynasties. The theft in Qin and Han dynasties can be roughly divided into theft, bandit and group theft, as well as some special sense of theft. In short, it is the theft in the narrow sense and the theft in the broad sense. Secondly, "the same law with theft" is actually a comparative clause, which is the result of the imperfect legal system of Qin and Han dynasties. Thirdly, through the specific analysis of the sentencing standards of the two periods of Qin and Han dynasties, the author concludes that the sentencing standards of the two periods are generally the same, but there are still differences, especially after the reform of Emperor Wen Emperor of the Han Dynasty, the difference is more obvious. Finally, according to the analysis of "the same law with theft", the author summarizes the principles of criminal law, that is, the principle of dealing with stolen goods, the principle of aggravated punishment for joint crime, the principle of heavy punishment for several crimes, and the principle that officials break the law seriously. Finally, I hope to have a more accurate grasp and deeper understanding of Qin and Han law system.


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3 付蓓蕾;;论“孝治”法律思想的主要内容[J];法制与社会;2011年26期

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