[Abstract]:This paper discusses Hayek's theory of order and rules from the angle of political philosophy and legal philosophy, not only combing Hayek's theory of order and rules. In this theory, the significance and potential value of Hayek's theory are also discussed. On the basis of fully understanding Hayek's theory of order and rules, this paper tries to expound Hayek's theoretical framework on order, rules and social organization. This paper first leads to Hayek's three concepts of society, order and rule, through the differentiation and analysis of "internal rules" and "external rules", "internal order" and "external order". This paper mainly explains Hayek's distinction between the two kinds of order and rule, and clarifies and explains the important terms frequently used by Hayek in dealing with order and rule: "opinion", "will", "expectation", "justice" and "right". Hayek's views on "internal rules" and "internal order" are based on the English common law tradition. The principle of due process in common law consists of three aspects: party doctrine, jury judgment and precedent constraint. Through the interpretation of the jury judgment system, this paper explains how "majority opinion" reflects the "inevitable and irreparable ignorance of all" and how it contributes to the formation of "internal rules". Then it explains how due process in common law embodies the important attribute of "internal rules", and that Hayek's "internal rules" and "internal order" can be evolved by this judicial process. Hayek's theory of external rules is closely related to the tradition of constitutional democracy in England discussed by John Mill. This paper tries to explain that general social organizations should make their "external rules" have more "internal rules" attributes by proper procedures. The process of making external rules in many social organizations involves three aspects: the will of the parties, the democratic procedure and the two principles. This paper explains how "majority will" embodies the "inevitable and irreparable ignorance of all" and how it contributes to the formation of "external rules" by dividing the boundaries of the two "principles". This paper tries to explain that "external rules" will deny the above "ignorance" and lose its "internal rules" attribute under certain circumstances, and eventually "external rules" may even cancel "internal rules" and morality. The comment on Hayek's theory of freedom and constitutionalism cannot be separated from Hayek's theory of two kinds of order and rules. Only by understanding the relationship between the two kinds of order and rules can Hayek's criticism of modern democratic government be understood. In Hayek's theory, at least, the two theories of order and rule apply to the interpretation of various social systems and cultures.
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