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发布时间:2018-12-10 07:57
【摘要】: 要实现依法治国,就要做到立法、执法、司法、守法等各个方面齐头并进,行政执法是其中的重要一环。然而以“集中整治”“专项治理”“突击执法”“特别行动”为形式的运动式执法已经成为我国通用的执法方式,众多行政法学者展开了对运动式执法的研究。学界对这种非常态的执法方式有褒有贬,笔者认为,运动式执法虽然有其固有缺陷,但却是我国行政执法体系中不可或缺的部分。本文立足这个观点,试图提出我国运动式执法的改革方向。 本文共分为五个部分: 第一部分主要对运动式执法进行了概述。本部分首先给出了运动式执法的定义,探讨了与“法治运动化”现象的关系,然后从产生过程和性质两方面分析了运动式执法的特征,最后对我国运动式执法的典型案例做了介绍。 第二部分主要介绍了运动式执法的缺陷及危害。 第三部分着重分析运动式执法存在的根源。笔者通过分析运动式执法在我国大量存在的根源,继而从中提炼出运动式执法存在以及继续存在的现实性,为其成为我国行政执法体系中有机组成部分找到现实基础。 第四部分介绍了其他国家和地区的相关政策。该部分笔者运用比较分析的方法研究国外有关运动式执法政策的运行和可借鉴之处,并通过借鉴分析提出对我国运动式执法改革的启示。 第五部分是本文的重点,论述关于改革运动式执法的对策。首先是对于我国现行执法体系完善的建议;其次是在适当时候在我国推行制度性执法,使之成为我国的常态执法方式;最后是本文的创新点——对于运动式执法本身的修正。本文的另一个创新点也在这部分体现,即设立专门的运动式执法协调机构。
[Abstract]:In order to rule the country according to law, we must go hand in hand with legislation, law enforcement, judicature, law-abiding and so on, among which administrative law enforcement is an important part. However, in the form of "centralized rectification", "special treatment", "assault law enforcement" and "special operation", the movement-style law enforcement has become a common law enforcement method in China, and many administrative law scholars have carried out research on the movement-style law enforcement. The author thinks that although the law enforcement of sport has its inherent defects, it is an indispensable part of the administrative law enforcement system of our country. Based on this viewpoint, this paper tries to put forward the reform direction of law enforcement in China. This text is divided into five parts altogether: the first part mainly carries on the summary to the movement type law enforcement. This part first gives the definition of the movement law enforcement, discusses the relation with the "rule of law" phenomenon, and then analyzes the characteristics of the movement law enforcement from two aspects: the process and the nature of the law enforcement. At last, it introduces the typical case of Chinese sports law enforcement. The second part mainly introduces the limitation and harm of sport law enforcement. The third part focuses on the analysis of the causes of the existence of sports law enforcement. The author analyzes the root of a large number of sports law enforcement in our country, and then abstracts the reality of the sports law enforcement existence and its continued existence, and finds a realistic foundation for it to become an organic part of the administrative law enforcement system in our country. The fourth part introduces the related policies of other countries and regions. In this part, the author uses the method of comparative analysis to study the operation and reference of the foreign law enforcement policy, and puts forward the enlightenment to the reform of the sports law enforcement in our country through the reference analysis. The fifth part is the focal point of this article, discusses the reform movement type law enforcement countermeasure. First of all, it is the suggestion to perfect the current law enforcement system of our country; secondly, it is to carry out the system law enforcement in our country at the appropriate time, make it become the normal law enforcement way of our country; finally, it is the innovation point of this article-the revision to the movement type law enforcement itself. Another innovation of this paper is also reflected in this part, that is, the establishment of a special sports law enforcement coordination agencies.


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