[Abstract]:Canada's concept of common decision legislation and its guided common decision system, which mainly applies to older persons whose capacity is increasingly debilitating, determines the qualifications and responsibilities of the human person together, To help the elderly to obtain, analyze and distinguish relevant information. It emphasizes the joint decision rights of guardians and the older persons under guardianship, and further transforms the role of guardians into helpers. This system responds to the basic idea of civil law which regards autonomy of will as the core, interferes with the freedom of meaning of the elderly to a lesser extent, and encourages the independent behavior of the elderly to a large extent, which has remarkable superiority. We should use the idea of common decision to guide the legislation of guardianship of the elderly in our country, and construct the system of common decision from several aspects, such as setting up the standard jointly, deciding the qualifications and duties of the person together and the supervision of the joint decision and so on.
【作者单位】: 安徽工业大学文法学院;
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