[Abstract]:The classification of legal acts should not be limited to the classification of single legal acts. Categorization is not an end in itself, and the classification of legal acts is only the first step of its classification. The second step is to model the legal act-that is, to induce, abstract and abstract the behavior pattern of the specific type of legal act, and the principle of the modeling of the legal act originates from the legal nature of the legal act. The internal structure of legal norms, especially the behavior pattern, determines how the behavior of the actors in the general society becomes a legal act; The third step is the analogization of legal behavior mode-the end point of typology is analogies, and the typed thinking is analogizing thinking. In the judicial process, those who are regulated by abstract concepts must be strictly measured under prescribed conditions. Where legal provisions are born out of stereotyped thinking, it must be emphasized that in the course of application the law is repeatedly matched with the case, weighing and distinguishing between the characteristics of the case that conform to the law and those that are not described by the law. Then find out the appropriate case judgment details or justifications.
【作者单位】: 广西财经学院法学院;
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