[Abstract]:Welfare egalitarianism and resource egalitarianism are two methods of resource allocation proposed by Dvorkin, in which how to distinguish between disability and expensive preference, and in order to achieve equality in the initial allocation of resources, How to subsidize the resources of the disabled and distinguish the requirement of the expensive ones trying to mix fish and beads is a very specific problem to ensure the equal distribution. Welfare egalitarianism is out ahead of time because of its moral hazard and unilateralism, and resource egalitarianism makes mistakes in misunderstanding: the result of auction is actually the possible result mentioned in the second basic principle of welfare economics; It is an impossible task for insurance to evaluate people's second-level desires in terms of the role of spectator, that is, to assess their preferences by individuals on the basis of transcending the presupposition of cultural background. It is the recognition theory, starting from the perspective of risk verification based on the fusion of vision, using the new paradigm of essential practice-non-essential practice to analyze the qualifications and requirements of expensive enthusiasts, thus providing support for the practice of resource egalitarianism.
【作者单位】: 清华大学法学院;
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