[Abstract]:Blank bill is a double-edged sword in economic development, and it is necessary to regulate it. Japan is called "the Kingdom of Bills" in the research and practice field of negotiable instrument law. The blank bill rules in Japan are of reference significance to the perfection of relevant rules in China. Article 10 of Japan's negotiable Instruments Law and Article 13 of the Bill of Expenditure Act are the basic basis of the blank bills explicitly recognized in legislation. Japan's jurisprudence adopts subjective criteria, emphasizing that the consent of the actor and the payee is an important element of the blank instrument, and also allows the issuer to issue the blank instrument, which conforms to the basic composition of the marketable securities and belongs to the incomplete instrument. The right to supplement a blank instrument shall be exercised strictly within the scope of authorization from the time of delivery of the instrument, and the blank instrument may be transferred in the same way of circulation as the ordinary complete instrument.
【作者单位】: 吉林大学法学院;
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