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发布时间:2019-07-31 11:52
[Abstract]:distinguishing all buildings from one of the major problems in the management of all buildings is to distinguish all buildings from the earthquake, the fire, the wind, the flood, the debris flow, the gas explosion, An even-sporadic disaster, such as the fall of an aircraft and the impact of a motor vehicle, results in the repair of a portion of the loss. China's Property Law is only a brief provision in this respect, which is not enough to deal with the actual needs. in that case of the comparative comparative law of the modern building, the Japanese law has made a detailed and perfect regulation on this system, which divide the loss of part of all the buildings into a small part of the loss and a large part of the loss, and define different repair procedures accordingly, The cost burden and the means and methods of equity adjustment. In the future, in the future, in the revision of the Property Law> or the enactment of the Civil Code, or the establishment of a single-line building to distinguish the ownership method, the experience of the Japanese law should be used as a reference for the legislative theory; at the same time, in the present stage, The experience of the Japanese law can be used as a reference for the interpretation.
【作者单位】: 中央财经大学法学院;


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