本文选题:外资准入 切入点:污染转移类型 出处:《中国政法大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 外资引进给我国带来了经济的繁荣和技术的进步。然而,由于我国外资准入制度的缺陷与执法不严等问题的存在,为部分不法外商将污染密集型产业、落后技术设备转移到我国提供了可乘之机。从而,扰乱了我国的正常经济秩序、使我国的自然环境受到污染,生态平衡遭到破坏,严重影响着我国的可持续发展。在我国,外资准入中的污染转移主要指三资企业设立阶段的污染转移。按照不同的分类标准可以分为:污染密集型产业转移和落后技术设备转移;违法污染转移和“合法”污染转移;显性污染转移和隐性污染转移;积极污染转移和消极污染转移。在我国,外资准入的污染转移主要呈现为污染密集型产业数量大、落后技术设备引进多这两个方面的特点。 导致外资准入中污染转移的原因是多方面的,其法律成因主要有二:一是我国相关法律及制度存在缺陷,一是国际相关立法存在缺失。其中我国相关法律及制度存在的缺陷主要表现有相关立法不足、环境标准制度不完善、外资审批制度不健全;国际相关立法存在缺失主要表现在缺乏专门针对外资准入中污染转移问题的国际条约、现有相关的国际法律文件缺乏执行力等方面。 对于外资准入中污染转移进行法律规制,可以从四个方面着手。首先要修改《环境保护法》第34条的规定、健全外资审批的相关立法;其次完善环境标准体系、环境影响评价制度,构建环境税制度;再次严格追究外资准入中污染转移行为主体的民事责任、刑事责任、行政责任;最后加强国际合作,促成相关国际条约的缔结。最终,为外资准入中污染转移编织一张法律大网,实现人类的可持续发展。
[Abstract]:The introduction of foreign capital has brought economic prosperity and technological progress to our country. However, due to the defects of the foreign capital access system and the lax enforcement of the law, some illegal foreign investors will pollute the intensive industries. The transfer of backward technology and equipment to our country provides an opportunity to take advantage of it. Thus, the normal economic order of our country is disturbed, the natural environment of our country is polluted, the ecological balance is destroyed, and the sustainable development of our country is seriously affected. The pollution transfer in the admission of foreign capital mainly refers to the pollution transfer in the stage of establishment of three-capital enterprises. According to different classification criteria, it can be divided into: transfer of pollution-intensive industry and transfer of backward technology and equipment, transfer of illegal pollution and transfer of "legal" pollution; Explicit pollution transfer and implicit pollution transfer, positive pollution transfer and negative pollution transfer. In China, the pollution transfer of foreign capital access mainly presents the characteristics of large number of pollution-intensive industries and the introduction of backward technology and equipment. There are many reasons leading to the transfer of pollution in the admission of foreign capital. There are two main legal causes: first, there are defects in the relevant laws and systems of our country. Firstly, there are some defects in the relevant international legislation. The defects of the relevant laws and systems in our country are mainly reflected in the deficiency of the relevant legislation, the imperfect system of environmental standards and the imperfect system of examination and approval of foreign capital. The lack of relevant international legislation is mainly reflected in the lack of international treaties dealing with the problem of pollution transfer in access to foreign capital and the lack of enforcement of existing relevant international legal documents. To regulate the pollution transfer in the admission of foreign capital, we can start from four aspects. First, we should amend the provisions of Article 34 of the Environmental Protection Law to perfect the relevant legislation on the examination and approval of foreign capital; secondly, we should perfect the system of environmental standards. Environmental impact assessment system, construction of environmental tax system; third, strict investigation of the civil liability, criminal liability and administrative liability of the subject of pollution transfer in the admission of foreign capital; finally, strengthening international cooperation to facilitate the conclusion of relevant international treaties. In order to realize the sustainable development of human beings, we weave a legal network for the pollution transfer in the admission of foreign capital.
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