本文选题:饮用水资源 + 保护 ; 参考:《山西财经大学》2008年硕士论文
【摘要】: 世界性饮用水资源紧缺和污染所导致的饮用水危机,严重威胁着人们的生命健康和生存,饮用水资源的保护已成为国际社会共同关注的焦点。随着我国经济的快速发展,对环境与资源的不当利用导致了人与环境关系的恶化和资源的紧张,水资源的短缺尤其是饮用水资源的短缺成了制约一些地方发展的重要因素。本文首先明确了饮用水资源保护的法理基础,继而分析各国关于饮用水资源法律保护的举措,我国饮用水资源的立法等方面内容,重点探讨饮用水资源保护的立法构想,以期为完善或创新我国饮用水资源保护立法的理论和实践提供依据和思路。 论文共分为四个部分。第一部分首先对饮用水资源保护立法做出了界定,然后分析了对饮用水资源进行立法保护的必要性并阐明了饮用水资源立法保护的理论基础。 第二部分介绍了国外对饮用水资源保护立法的实践,并分析了其对我国的启示。其中重点介绍了美国、日本等国家在饮用水资源方面的法律制度,包括管理体制、水质标准制度、水质监测制度、水源保护区制度、紧急处置制度、法律责任制度等。 第三部分从我国饮用水资源法律保护实际出发讨论其得失。从我国饮用水保护立法的现状来看,已取得了一定的成果。饮用水保护法律对保护我国饮用水发挥了重要作用,保障了人民的生命安全,保护了饮用水的安全,打击了违反饮用水保护法律的行为,为我国今后饮用水保护立法的完善积累了经验。然而目前我国饮用水资源保护立法中仍然存在着不协调、权利义务配置失衡、缺乏可操作性、立法体系不完善等缺陷。造成以上缺陷的主要原因是饮用水立法指导思想偏差、立法缺乏理论支撑、立法缺乏科学技术支持等。 最后,可持续发展观作为一种新的发展模式,是当代人类的普遍共识。有鉴于此,在我国饮用水资源保护立法的完善过程中,应将可持续发展观确立为我国饮用水资源立法的指导思想,确立饮用水资源保护立法的优先保护原则、安全原则、预防原则和公平原则。完善饮用水保护管理体制,完善饮用水水质标准制度,完善饮用水源保护区制度,完善饮用水水质监测制度,完善饮用水紧急处置制度,完善饮用水保护法律责任体系。
[Abstract]:The crisis of drinking water caused by the shortage and pollution of drinking water resources in the world is a serious threat to the life and health of people. The protection of drinking water resources has become the focus of the international community.With the rapid development of our economy, the improper use of environment and resources leads to the deterioration of the relationship between human and environment and the shortage of resources. The shortage of water resources, especially the shortage of drinking water resources, has become an important factor restricting the development of some places.This paper first clarifies the legal basis of the protection of drinking water resources, and then analyzes the legal protection measures of drinking water resources in various countries, the legislation of drinking water resources in China and so on, and probes into the legislative conception of the protection of drinking water resources.In order to perfect or innovate our drinking water resources protection legislation theory and practice to provide the basis and train of thought.The thesis is divided into four parts.The first part defines the legislation of the protection of drinking water resources, then analyzes the necessity of legislative protection of drinking water resources and clarifies the theoretical basis of the legislative protection of drinking water resources.The second part introduces the legislation practice of drinking water resources protection in foreign countries, and analyses its enlightenment to our country.The legal system of drinking water resources in the United States and Japan is mainly introduced, including management system, water quality standard system, water quality monitoring system, water source protection area system, emergency disposal system, legal liability system and so on.The third part discusses its gain and loss from the reality of the legal protection of drinking water resources in China.From the current situation of drinking water protection legislation in China, some achievements have been made.The law on the protection of drinking water plays an important role in protecting drinking water in our country, ensuring the safety of people's lives, protecting the safety of drinking water, and cracking down on violations of the laws on the protection of drinking water.It has accumulated experience for the perfection of drinking water protection legislation in our country in the future.However, there are still some defects in the legislation of the protection of drinking water resources in our country, such as unbalance of rights and obligations, lack of maneuverability, imperfect legislative system, and so on.The main reasons for the above defects are the deviation of guiding ideology, the lack of theoretical support and the lack of scientific and technological support in the legislation of drinking water.Finally, the concept of sustainable development as a new development model, is a common understanding of contemporary human.In view of this, in the process of perfecting the legislation on the protection of drinking water resources in China, the sustainable development concept should be established as the guiding ideology of the legislation of drinking water resources in our country, and the priority protection principle and the safety principle of the legislation on the protection of drinking water resources should be established.Principle of prevention and principle of equityPerfect drinking water protection management system, perfect drinking water quality standard system, perfect drinking water source protection area system, perfect drinking water quality monitoring system, perfect drinking water emergency disposal system, perfect drinking water protection legal responsibility system.
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