本文选题:环境 + 环境信息 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 当前,环境污染和生态破坏等环境问题日益突出,人类社会面临前所未有的环境保护压力。切实保护好人类赖以生存和发展的生态环境,不但是当代人的现实需要,同时还关乎后代人能否享受到良好的生产生活环境的问题。上升到理论高度,那就关系到人类在20世纪后半期所提出的可持续发展战略能否实现的重大问题。因此,环境保护问题无疑是当今世界各个国家和地区无法回避且必须高度重视的问题。 在解决一系列环境问题的过程中,环境信息公开问题扮演着特殊而又极其重要的作用。因为只有在充分掌握各种环境信息的前提下,政府才能根据实情做出正确的环境决策和制定出各种治理方案,企业才能增强社会责任意识,公众也根据环境信息所反映出来的各种情况,有效地参与到政府的各种环境决策和监管活动中。因此,研究环境信息公开制度无疑具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。 就内容而言,本文分为引言,正文和结语三个部分,其中,正文由三个部分构成,全文共三万余字。以下就各部分的主要内容作一下简要介绍。 引言部分,作者首先分析当今世界的环境保护形势,阐明环境信息公开制度在解决一系列环境问题中扮演的重要角色。在简略考察国外相关制度建设的情况后,从制度本身和实践的角度对我国的相关法律制度所存在的问题做了概括性的分析,从而明确了研究环境信息公开制度的重大理论意义和现实意义。 第一部分,“环境信息公开法律制度概述”,介绍了环境信息公开法律制度的相关概念辨析,环境信息公开的理论基础,环境信息公开的意义和环境信息公开的原则,为下文对制度本身的分析打下基础。 第二部分,“我国环境信息公开法律制度评析”,通过对我国环境信息公开法制状况的考察,在分析的基础上,揭示了我国环境信息公开法制建设的主要不足和问题所在。 第三部分,“完善我国环境信息公开法律制度的构想”,首先讨论了我国的《环境信息公开法》的立法模式问题,其次,在结合分析国外一些先进制度的基础上,针对第二部分的所分析的不足和问题,提出了一系列的完善建议。 结语部分,作者肯定了环境信息公开制度在解决当今世界所面临的一系列环境问题中所具有的重大作用,并希望通过本文的撰写,对同行研究此问题起到抛砖引玉的作用,同时希望有更多的环境法学者为环境信息公开制度的完善和构建做出努力,为我国的环境友好型社会的建设添砖加瓦。
[Abstract]:At present, environmental problems such as environmental pollution and ecological destruction are increasingly prominent, and human society is facing unprecedented environmental protection pressure. To protect the ecological environment on which human beings rely for survival and development is not only the realistic need of contemporary people, but also related to whether future generations can enjoy a good production and living environment. Rising to the theoretical level, it is related to the realization of sustainable development strategy put forward by human beings in the second half of the 20th century. Therefore, there is no doubt that environmental protection is a problem that every country and region in the world can not avoid and must attach great importance to. In the process of solving a series of environmental problems, environmental information disclosure plays a special and extremely important role. Only when the government fully grasps all kinds of environmental information, can the government make correct environmental decisions and formulate various governance plans according to the actual situation, and enterprises can enhance their sense of social responsibility. The public also participate in all kinds of environmental decision-making and supervision activities according to the environmental information. Therefore, the study of environmental information disclosure system undoubtedly has great theoretical and practical significance. As far as content is concerned, this paper is divided into three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The following is a brief introduction to the main contents of each part. In the foreword, the author first analyzes the situation of environmental protection in the world and clarifies the important role of environmental information disclosure system in solving a series of environmental problems. After a brief review of the construction of relevant systems in foreign countries, this paper makes a general analysis of the problems existing in the relevant legal systems of our country from the point of view of the system itself and the practice. Therefore, the theoretical and practical significance of the research on environmental information disclosure system is clarified. The first part, "Overview of the legal system of environmental information disclosure", introduces the related concepts of the legal system of environmental information disclosure, the theoretical basis of environmental information disclosure, the significance of environmental information disclosure and the principles of environmental information disclosure. For the following analysis of the system itself lay the foundation. The second part, "Analysis and Analysis of the legal system of Environmental Information publicity in China", through the investigation of the legal system of environmental information disclosure in China, on the basis of analysis, reveals the main deficiencies and problems in the construction of the legal system of environmental information disclosure in China. The third part, "Conception of perfecting the legal system of Environmental Information publicity in China", firstly discusses the legislative model of the Environmental Information publicity Law in China, and secondly, on the basis of analyzing some advanced systems in foreign countries, In view of the deficiency and problems of the second part, a series of perfect suggestions are put forward. In conclusion, the author affirms the important role of the environmental information disclosure system in solving a series of environmental problems facing the world today, and hopes that, through the writing of this paper, it will be helpful to peer research on this issue. At the same time, it is hoped that more environmental law scholars will make efforts to improve and construct the environmental information disclosure system, and contribute to the construction of our country's environment-friendly society.
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