本文选题:土地退化 + 土地退化防治法律制度 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2008年硕士论文
【摘要】: 土地资源是人类赖以生存和发展的重要自然基础,是经济社会持续健康发展的重要物质保障。近年来,随着现代科技的飞速发展和工业化、城市化进程的加快推进,人类对土地的依赖日渐加深。但同时,在这些进程中,也对土地造成了破坏,土地资源不足的矛盾越来越突出,土地退化的速度也在不断加快,由此所带来的生态环境风险更是在不断扩大。甘肃作为我国西部地区的一个经济欠发达省份,土地资源短缺和土地退化问题更加突出,与土地退化防治相关的法律制度所发挥的作用也将更为显著。基于此,本文尝试从可持续发展的视角,运用实证分析方法、比较分析方法等法学研究方法,努力探究当前甘肃省土地退化防治的立法现状及存在的不足,并提出相应的完善措施。 本文从土地退化和土地退化防治法的概念入手,探讨了当前土地退化防治立法的理论基础,通过对甘肃省土地退化防治立法的现状、存在的不足及原因进行分析评价,找出了现行立法的欠缺与漏洞。最后在借鉴国外土地退化防治立法经验之基础上,结合前文所分析的甘肃省现行土地退化防治法规政策的症结所在,从树立以土地资源的持续利用为核心的土地退化防治法律制度、建立土地利用公示制度、修改并完善土地管理领域的立法工作、修改并完善水土保持领域的立法工作、完善水领域的立法工作、建立相应的激励机制、提高公众的可持续发展能力和建立生态补偿机制等方面就甘肃省土地退化防治法律制度的完善提出了自己的看法和律议。
[Abstract]:Land resource is an important natural foundation for human survival and development, and an important material guarantee for sustainable and healthy economic and social development. In recent years, with the rapid development and industrialization of modern science and technology, and the acceleration of urbanization, human dependence on land is deepening day by day. But at the same time, in these processes, has also caused the destruction to the land, the contradiction which the land resources is insufficient is more and more prominent, the land degradation speed is also accelerating unceasingly, the resulting ecological environment risk is expanding unceasingly. As an underdeveloped province in the western part of our country, the problems of land resources shortage and land degradation are more prominent, and the legal system related to the prevention and control of land degradation will play a more significant role. Based on this, this paper tries to explore the current legislative situation and shortcomings of land degradation prevention and control in Gansu Province from the perspective of sustainable development, using empirical analysis method, comparative analysis method and other legal research methods. This paper starts with the concept of land degradation and land degradation prevention and control law, probes into the theoretical basis of current land degradation prevention and control legislation, and analyzes the present situation of land degradation prevention and control legislation in Gansu Province. The shortcomings and reasons are analyzed and evaluated to find out the shortcomings and loopholes of the current legislation. Finally, on the basis of the experience of foreign land degradation prevention and control legislation, combined with the previous analysis of Gansu Province's current land degradation prevention and control laws and regulations, the crux of the policy, From setting up the legal system of land degradation prevention and control with the sustainable utilization of land resources as the core, establishing the system of publicizing the land use, modifying and perfecting the legislation in the field of land management, modifying and perfecting the legislative work in the field of soil and water conservation, In the aspects of perfecting the legislation in the field of water, establishing the corresponding incentive mechanism, improving the ability of sustainable development of the public and establishing the ecological compensation mechanism, the author puts forward his own views and suggestions on the perfection of the legal system of land degradation prevention and control in Gansu Province.
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