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发布时间:2018-07-08 18:24

  本文选题:大树 + 移植 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2009年硕士论文

[Abstract]:"Big Tree into the City" is a common name, refers to the collection from rural areas or forest areas, transportation of deciduous trees above 20cm diameter and evergreen trees with DBH 15cm (or height of 6 m), and a series of transplanting activities planted in cities. According to the "Urban Greening regulations", the "notice on prohibiting the transplanting of old trees and trees into the city", the objects of "trees entering the city" include ancient trees and famous trees. As big trees can quickly improve the green rate of cities in a short period of time, "big trees" has become the preferred way for many cities to change their ecological environment. However, the harm caused by "Big Tree coming into the City" is obvious: firstly, it destroys the ecological environment of the original land, especially in the rural areas; secondly, the urban ecological effect it brings is not stable and long-term. So that the economic value of trees, especially the ecological value has been seriously distorted. The causes of "big trees entering the city" include the promotion of eco-city construction and the drive of economic benefits. The lack of supervision and the idea of dividing the urban and rural environment. The Forest Law, the implementation regulations of the Forest Law and the relevant laws do not explicitly regulate such acts. The reasons that lead to the defects of the law include the lag of legislation. The legislative purpose of the Forest Law is not to give priority to ecological benefits, but to focus on the utilization of forest resources and the influence of urban-rural dual structure. All these aspects provide institutional support and practical convenience for Big Tree to enter the city. But relevant places such as Shanghai, Zhejiang Province, Jiangxi Province and other advanced practices can be used for reference. In order to reasonably regulate the behavior of "Big Tree entering into the City", we should first amend the law, draw lessons from local regulations, supplement relevant provisions from the national level, limit the source of big trees, and perfect the responsibility for ecological restoration of the original land of Big trees. And to ensure the survival of trees transplanted into the city. Secondly, we should perfect the management of Dashu's administrative law enforcement, strengthen the supervision of the whole process of Dashu's entering into the city, especially strictly standardize the administrative behavior of the forestry department and the urban greening department, clarify its duty and division of labor, strictly examine and approve. Strengthen supervision and punishment, with a view to truly prevent trees blind into the city.


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