[Abstract]:Environmental problems come into being along with the development of social economy, and so is the transfer of environmental pollution. Different factors, such as geographical location, natural resources, population, history and so on, have led to uneven economic development, which has given priority to the development of some areas, which is reflected in the fact that cities are more rural than rural areas in China. The eastern coastal areas are more developed than the western inland areas, which forms the division between the economically developed areas and the economically underdeveloped areas. In the economically developed areas, with the continuous improvement of the economic level, people's requirements for the environment are constantly raised, followed by the gradual strengthening of the residents' environmental protection consciousness, and the rising level of environmental legislation and law enforcement. This makes the environmental cost of economic activities higher, driven by the interests of economic agents have to look for lower environmental costs. However, the situation in underdeveloped places is quite the opposite. Under the condition of lower economic level, the environment gives way to survival and becomes the victim of economic activities. Under this condition of supply and demand, the transfer of environmental pollution arises at the historic moment. Many scholars have studied the transfer of environmental pollution in the last century. Based on the complexity of the problem of environmental pollution transfer and the difference of the angle of view, angle of view and the level of cognition of the scholars, the understanding of the meaning of the transfer of environmental pollution is also "different from different people, different from wisdom". This paper holds that the transfer of environmental pollution means that one side of the environmental subject intentionally violates the environmental rights of the other party in a certain way. No legal basis for the other party's environmental obligations and the transfer of their own environmental responsibility as the other party's conduct. The "area" is not a specific international region, nor is it an administrative division of the country in terms of specific provinces, It refers to the economically developed areas and the economically backward areas which are divided by the level of economic development in China. The transfer of regional pollution has certain elements: the subject needs two or more subjects, and "this subject can be concrete or abstract", the subjective need to transfer the party is malicious; The objective aspect requires that the pollution transfer behavior itself can be controlled artificially, and not the pollution damage. Everything happens for a certain reason, regional pollution transfer is no exception. The difference of economic development level among regions is the economic reason of regional pollution transfer. Because of the different economic level, the superstructure-law which is based on the economic base will also appear very different. This is the legal reason of regional pollution transfer, and the lack of traditional environmental protection consciousness and the development thinking centered on economic construction are the other social reasons that cause environmental pollution and regional pollution transfer. Regional pollution transfer has caused adverse effects on ecological environment and social life. In addition, regional pollution transfer violates the theory of environmental rights, sustainable development and environmental equity. Therefore, it is necessary and urgent to regulate the regional pollution transfer. In this paper, the system construction and the operation of laws and regulations are considered, and suggestions are provided in order to improve the regional environmental pollution prevention and control system in China.
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