[Abstract]:The system of public participation is the effective and reasonable allocation of social resources through the voluntary democratic intervention of the relevant stakeholders in the decision-making process, so as to achieve equal rights among the participants. The legal system that reflects the principle of sustainable development. This system runs through every link of the whole watershed integrated ecological management system and is one of its important institutional supplies. This paper takes the inland river basin of our country as the research angle, selects the Tarim River, Shiyang River and Heihe River as the investigation object, through the above typical watershed empirical investigation research and analysis, This paper evaluates the present situation and problems of the public participation system in the inland river basin management. On the basis of drawing lessons from the foreign advanced watershed management experience, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the improvement of the basin comprehensive ecological management system from the angle of public participation. The main structure of this paper is as follows: the first chapter is introduction, which mainly discusses the background, significance, research content and literature review of the development of watershed management and the system of public participation at home and abroad. The second chapter expounds the nature, significance and relationship between integrated watershed ecological management and public participation system, and introduces and analyzes the status of public participation in watershed management in the United States, Australia and Britain. To provide reference experience for the improvement of public participation in inland river basin. The third chapter, on the basis of empirical investigation, introduces the current situation of public participation system in inland river basin from the aspects of legislation and water right construction. In the fourth chapter, through the combination of theory and practice, some suggestions are put forward to improve the construction of public participation system in inland river basin. In the fifth chapter, the conclusion and deficiency of this thesis are put forward.
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