[Abstract]:Ecological benefit compensation is a new topic to protect ecological environment put forward in recent years, and watershed ecological benefit compensation is an important part of ecological benefit compensation. In recent years, with the increasing shortage of water resources and water pollution, the establishment and improvement of ecological benefit compensation mechanism has become an urgent problem to be solved by the government and the masses. The Xiangjiang River is one of the most important rivers in Hunan Province. In recent years, the illegal exploitation and utilization of the water resources of the Xiangjiang River and the protection of the water resources of the Xiangjiang River have launched an invisible game. The problem of water environmental protection in Xiangjiang River Basin has gradually become a hot issue that people pay attention to, and it is urgent to establish the compensation mechanism of ecological benefit in Xiangjiang River Basin. It is necessary and feasible to establish ecological benefit compensation mechanism in Xiangjiang River Basin. It is necessary to establish the compensation mechanism of ecological benefit in Xiangjiang river basin to realize the equitable utilization of water resources in the upper and lower reaches of Xiangjiang river basin, to narrow the economic gap between the upper and lower reaches of Xiangjiang river basin, to protect the ecological environment of Xiangjiang river basin and to realize the sustainable development of Xiangjiang river basin At the same time, according to the characteristics of Xiangjiang River Basin and the improvement of Hunan's economic strength, the establishment of ecological benefit compensation mechanism of Xiangjiang River Basin has certain conditions. However, some difficulties and obstacles will inevitably be encountered in the process, such as the lack of clear ways and methods of compensation standards, the lack of guarantee of funds, the insufficiency of legal basis, and so on. To solve these problems, the first is to improve the watershed management system, in the establishment of watershed management institutions, the distribution of management authority, the division of responsibilities and other aspects of the corresponding system; Second, it is necessary to formulate the "measures for compensation of ecological benefits in Xiangjiang River Basin", to clearly stipulate the standards, forms and methods of compensation for ecological benefits, and third, to establish a compensation fund for ecological benefits in the upper and lower reaches of the Xiangjiang River Basin to ensure the supply of funds. Only when the manpower, material resources, financial resources and policies are fully guaranteed, can the compensation mechanism of ecological benefits in Xiangjiang River Basin be perfected.
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