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发布时间:2016-12-21 12:49




婚姻,是由两位独立异性民事主体且互为配偶身份关系的共同体组成。夫妻独立民事主体是婚姻家庭存续的前提。在夫妻关系存续期间也就是婚内,男(女)一方不履行法定义务,侵害妻子(丈夫)一方的正当权益,有侵权必定有侵权行为,现实中在婚姻家庭关系中,夫妻是被人们通常视为一个家庭共同体,从而忽视对夫或妻独立民事主体的个体人格的关注。在这个共同体中,既要有共同体的共同利益,又有夫妻各自独立的权益,往往会忽视夫妻各自独立的的权益,独立权益被侵权却得不到救济,给一些夫妻造成的伤害,在不离婚的情况下,只能个人付出牺牲的代价,这就违背了法律是最后一道防线。“人格独立”、“男女平等”等法律意识增强,在婚姻法范围内,因婚内侵权去寻求法律保护成为必要的、可能的。本文从婚内侵权民事责任在婚姻法中的立法的构想进行阐述.以期推动婚姻法的进一步发展。在西方世界早在19世纪60年代至20世纪早期,英美法系国家或地区就开始有关禁止夫妻人身侵权之诉,由于配偶间人身关系和财产关系的特殊性,法律过多关注追究刑事责任和行政责任而忽视了民事责任的存在,对受害方的利益保护不力。夫妻关系是在有合法婚姻关系的存在的夫妇,这种关系不能成为免除侵权人民事责任的理由和依据。构建婚内侵权民事责任在婚姻法可弥补法律空白,提高维权利意识、加强公民法律意识、维护社会稳定和睦婚姻家庭生活的有手段,夫妻间的侵权及其损害赔在司法实践中出现了婚内损害赔偿诉讼。但我国现行《婚姻法》对此规定模糊,绝大多数夫妇采用了夫妻共同财产制,夫妻共同财产在婚姻关系存续期间规定不得分割,这就造成得婚内侵权的损害赔偿缺少法律上的有力保障,婚内侵权司法救济难以实现。就婚内侵权民事责任通过婚姻法中的民事救济对婚内侵权行为的受害方予以补赔偿,加大婚内当事人的合法权益的保护力度,推动婚姻家庭关系的稳定。什么是婚内侵权以及婚内侵权制度在婚姻法中的必要性和可行性进行浅析浅析,并结合外国立法对此不足的相关规定,对婚内侵权的处理,提出立法构想。明确规定婚内侵权行为的界定,侵权的行为方式,同时参考外国相关立法,提出婚内侵权民事责任在婚姻法中的立法构想。为建设和谐美满幸的婚姻家庭关最大限度地消除婚内侵权。全文除引言和结论之外,共分为四个部分:第一部分,婚内侵权行为概述。婚内侵权的界定、特点、构成要件。婚内侵权是指在合法婚姻关系存续期间,夫或妻一方以作为或不作为的方式实施了侵害配偶人身权或财产权,使另一方的人身、财产乃至精神受到损害的过错行为。有侵权的一般要件,也有他自身的特点,根据不同的标准,婚内侵权行为还做出不同分类。第二部分,中外研究夫妻间侵权民事责任制度相关立法及其评析考察我国法律的缺陷。参照国外有关夫妻间侵权民事责任制度立法。英国1962年8月1日实行《已婚妇女财产法》修正法允许夫妻间相互提起侵权行为诉讼。美国普通法(common law)中自1844年起《已婚妇女保护法》(Married Women’s acts )赋予妇女独立的人格和对个人财产独立的所有权后,许多州也准许夫妻间提起侵权的诉讼了。日本最高法院认为夫妻间可以成立侵权行为并可请求赔偿。台湾地区也在实务上认为夫妻间可以成立侵权行为。我国没有明确规定婚内侵权的民事责任是空白。第三部分,从我国夫妻间侵权民事责任制度研究的必要性与可行性来说,制度的建立是为了保护基本人权,消除法律冲突,维护社会稳定确保男女平等,增强妇女在实际生活中的独立主体地位,有效防止、惩治家庭暴力,婚外性的等危害健康婚姻的诟病,推动社会稳定,构建新形势下的和谐社会,为我国政治经济社会的平稳发展提供有力的保障。第四部分,建立婚内侵权的民事责任在婚姻法的构想。本章分别从建立配偶权权利体系,健全夫妻身份制度和修正目前我国《婚姻法》内的夫妻财产制度重释夫妻共同财产范围进一步规范夫妻约定财产加大保护个人专有财产,再增设有关夫妻间侵权民事责任制度相关条款提出构建“健康婚姻”保证金“妇女特殊期”保护金。

【Abstract】 Marriage is a civil subject by two independent and mutually spouse of the opposite sex as a community relations component. Husband and wife independent civil subject is the premise of marriage and family survival. In the marital relationship continues to exist is within marriage, male (female) party does not fulfill legal obligations, against the wife (husband) side of the legitimate rights and interests are infringed bound to have violations, in reality, in marriage and family relations, husband and wife is that people often regard as a family community, and thus neglect the husband or wife’s individual personality independent of the civil subject’s attention. In this community, we must have the common interest community, but also the rights of husband and wife separate, often ignored the rights of husband and wife separate and independent rights and interests are infringed do not get relief, the damage to some couples, without divorce cases, only the cost of personal sacrifice, which violates the law is the last line of defense. "Personal independence", "gender equality" and other legal consciousness, in the context of marriage, as marital tort to seek legal protection as necessary and possible.From the marriage in the Marriage Law of Tort Liability in the idea of legislation to elaborate. ,In order to promote the further development of the Marriage Law. In the Western world in the 19th century to early 20th century 60’s, common law countries or regions began to infringement on the prohibition of marital physical complaints, the personal relationship between spouses and the special nature of property relations, the law too much attention to be held criminally responsible and administrative responsibility while ignoring the existence of civil liability for inadequate protection of the interests of the injured party. Husband and wife have a legal marriage in the presence of the couple, this relationship can not be a reason to exempt the infringer and the basis for civil liability. Tort Liability in Construction of marital law marriage can make up for gaps and improve the dimensional awareness of rights, strengthening the legal awareness of citizens to maintain social harmony and stability of marriage and family life have the tools, tort between husband and wife and the damages occurred in the judicial practice of marital action for damages. But China’s current "Marriage Law" which provides vague, vast majority of couples with a husband and wife community property, jointly owned property during the marriage are not separate provisions, which may cause damages marital tort law on the lack of strong support , marital tort judicial relief is difficult to achieve. To marital Infringement relief through the civil marriage laws on the marital tort compensation for injured parties to make, within marriage increase the protection of legitimate rights and interests, and promote family stability of marriage.What is a marital tort and the tort system in the marriage law marriage in the necessity and feasibility analysis, and foreign legislation on this issue with the relevant provisions dealing with infringement of marital proposed Legislation. Clear that the definition of marital tort, infringement of the behavior, while making reference to foreign-related legislation, proposed marriage in the Marriage Law in Tort Liability Legislation. Fortunately, for building harmonious and happy marriage and family relations to maximize the elimination of marital infringement. Addition to the introduction and conclusion, the total is divided into four parts:The first part. an overview of marital tort. Marital tort definition, characteristics, elements. Marital tort is defined as the duration of legal marriage, husband or wife is not a party to act or manner of personal rights or property rights against the spouse gives the other person, property damage and even the spirit of the fault behavior. The general elements of a tort, but also has his own characteristics, according to different standards, violations also make different marital categories.The second part of the marital home and abroad of the relevant legislation and the Tort Liability System Analysis study the defects of the law. Between husband and wife with reference to relevant foreign legislation Tort Liability System. United Kingdom August 1, 1962 implementation of "Married Women’s Property Act" Amendment Act allows husband and wife each bring infringement proceedings. American common law (common law) in effect since 1844, "Married Women’s Protection Act" (Married Women’s acts) to give women the independent personality and individual ownership of personal property, many states allow tort action between husband and wife had. Japan’s Supreme Court held that tort can be established between husband and wife may claim compensation. Practice in Taiwan also can be established that the tort between husband and wife. China does not specify marital tort liability is emptyThe third part, from the civil liability system of tort between husband and wife the necessity and feasibility study, the system created to protect the basic human rights, elimination of conflict of laws, maintain social stability to ensure gender equality, empowerment of women in real life, the independent dominant position, to effectively prevent and punish domestic violence, extramarital sex marriage, criticized other health hazards and promote social stability and building a harmonious society under the new situation for China’s stable political and economic development of effective social protection.The fourth part, the establishment of marital tort liability in the idea of marriage. Spouses, respectively, from the establishment of the right of this chapter, the right system, a sound system and amend the current marital status of "marriage" in the matrimonial property system of re-interpretation of the scope of the jointly owned property to further standardize the Marital Property to increase the protection of personal exclusive property, then the provision of such tort between husband and wife Construction of the relevant terms of a civil liability regime, "healthy marriage" margin "of women’s specific" protection money.

【关键词】 婚内侵权; 民事责任; 保证金;
【Key words】 Marital Tort; Civil liability; Security deposit;

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  •   本文关键词:婚内侵权民事责任在婚姻法中的立法构想,由笔耕文化传播整理发布。




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