本文选题:小额信贷 + 信贷机构监管 ; 参考:《华侨大学》2008年硕士论文
【摘要】: 自20世纪70年代以来,规模不一的小额信贷(Microfinance)已经在非洲、亚洲、拉丁美洲的广大区域内发展起来,到目前已经演变成为一场声势浩大的国际运动。我国小额信贷的历史虽然只有十几年的时间,但是发展迅速。尤其是2005-2008年,随着农村信用社小额信贷项目的全面铺开,“只贷不存”的商业性小额贷款公司成立,民间资本进入小额信贷市场,加上现有的非政府组织小额信贷机构,使得小额信贷得到了迅猛的发展,在反贫困和发展农村金融等方面取得了令人瞩目的成就。但是,随着小额信贷机构资金来源多样化和规模的扩大,有关小额信贷机构的监管问题日益突出。由于小额信贷机构有着迥异于普通商业银行的风险特征,如何对我国小额信贷机构进行有效监管,成为值得研究的问题。 本文以我国小额信贷机构监管中存在的法律问题为研究对象,从我国国情出发,在借鉴小额信贷发展较好国家对小额信贷机构法律监管的经验基础上,对我国小额信贷机构监管现状进行了分析和评价,并提出了完善我国小额信贷机构监管的立法思考。 第一章概述我国小额信贷发展状况。首先界定了小额信贷的概念,接着阐述了小额信贷在国际上和在我国的发展背景及在我国的发展历程、现状,最后提出了在我国发展小额信贷的意义。 第二章探讨我国小额信贷机构监管的必要性。首先对小额信贷机构和小额信贷机构的监管进行了概念界定,然后探讨了我国小额信贷机构监管的必要性。 第三章总结国际小额信贷机构监管的经验借鉴。首先概述了国际小额信贷发展的现状和发展模式,然后对小额信贷发展较好国家对小额信贷机构监管的现状进行了考察,重点是考察其监管框架、主要内容及指标,总结了国际小额信贷机构监管对我国进行小额信贷机构监管的启示。 第四章提出完善我国小额信贷机构监管的立法思考。首先对我国小额信贷机构监管的现状进行了评价,最后提出了完善我国小额信贷机构监管的立法思考。
[Abstract]:Since the 1970s, microfinancehas developed in Africa, Asia and Latin America, and has now become a huge international movement. Although the history of microfinance in China is only more than ten years, it has developed rapidly. In particular, in 2005-2008, with the full expansion of microcredit projects in rural credit cooperatives, commercial micro-credit companies with "only loans and no savings" were set up, and private capital entered the microcredit market, along with existing non-governmental organization microfinance institutions. Microfinance has been developing rapidly and has made remarkable achievements in anti-poverty and rural finance. However, with the diversification and expansion of microfinance institutions, the supervision of microfinance institutions has become increasingly prominent. Since microfinance institutions have different risk characteristics from ordinary commercial banks, how to effectively supervise microfinance institutions in China has become a problem worth studying. This paper takes the legal problems existing in the supervision of microfinance institutions in our country as the research object, proceeding from the situation of our country, on the basis of drawing lessons from the experiences of the better development of microfinance institutions in the national legal supervision of microfinance institutions. This paper analyzes and evaluates the present situation of the supervision of microfinance institutions in China, and puts forward some legislative considerations on how to improve the supervision of microfinance institutions in China. The first chapter summarizes the development of microfinance in China. This paper first defines the concept of microfinance, then expounds the development background of microfinance in the world and in our country, the development process and current situation in our country, and finally puts forward the significance of developing microfinance in China. The second chapter discusses the necessity of supervision of microfinance institutions in China. Firstly, the concept of supervision of microfinance institutions and microfinance institutions is defined, and then the necessity of supervision of microfinance institutions in China is discussed. The third chapter summarizes the experience of the supervision of international microfinance institutions. First of all, it summarizes the current situation and development model of international microfinance development, and then investigates the current situation of microfinance institutions supervision in countries with better microfinance development, focusing on its regulatory framework, main content and indicators. This paper summarizes the enlightenment of the supervision of international microfinance institutions to the supervision of microfinance institutions in China. The fourth chapter puts forward the legislative thinking of perfecting the supervision of microfinance institutions in China. Firstly, this paper evaluates the current situation of the supervision of microfinance institutions in China, and finally puts forward some legislative considerations on how to improve the supervision of microfinance institutions in China.
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