我国村镇银行发展法律对策研究.pdf 全文免费在线阅读
硕.{:学位论文AbstractVillage bank is a new type of banking financial institutions in rural area emergedfrom end of 2006,when the access policy of banking financial institutions in ruralarea became more flexible.It is featured with small scale of capital,diversifiedstructure of property rights,simple and flexible structure of corporate management,and restricted business operation.From the legal naturepoint of view,village bank isnot policy bank.Although its development has a certain degree of policyorientation·---the available funds after paying the deposit insurance must be used forthe construction of the local rural economy,and it can’t deal with other districts.Butthe purpose of operating,form of ownership and other characteristics of the villagebanks are different from the policy banks.Village banks also differ mercialbanks which are adjusted according to Act mercial Banks in the registeredcapital,structure of corporate management and structure of equity.Essentially,villagebanks mercial banks which serve rural area.The significance of thedevelopment of village bank lays in increase the supply of credit finance in rural areas,reduce the outflow of rural credit funds and increase petitiveness of ruralcredit financial markets.But at present,the development of village banks is slow.It isdifficult to take in deposits,and the operational risk is high,the development of townbanks is in difficult position.munity banks in the United States are small tomedium-sized banks in the U.S.banking system.munity banks play a goodsocial role and are well functioning in the United States.Most of the required loansfor small to medium·sized enterprises and small farmers in the United efrom munity banks.The essful development munity banks in theUnited States is due to effective business model,flexible corporate managementstructure,good institutional environment and effective supervision.Village banks arevery similar to munity banks of the United States in asset size,governanceinstitution and regional operation.And village banks are expected to play the similarsocial role munity banks of U.S.in the provision of loans for small tomedium—sized enterprises and munity banks in the United States weredeveloped through effective petition in a good market environment.Butvillage banks were developed in the policy-oriented market governed by thegovernment;there were too much governmental intervention.In order todevelop theIII我国村镇银行发展的法律对策研究village banks,on one hand,it’S necessary for the banks to have correctself-orientation and establish a good business model by their own;on the other hand,the government should put themselves on a correct position,reduce the inappropriateintervention in the development of village banks,provide the banks with necessarysupport,build and improve the relevant legal system,and create a beneficial marketenvironment.In order to develop the village banks,we need to improve the ess system,es