发布时间:2018-06-09 22:31
本文选题:盗窃罪 + 多次盗窃 ; 参考:《河北大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:在“多次盗窃”的司法认定上,主要涉及“多次盗窃”的时间和空间、既遂与未遂以及行为类型等问题。“多次盗窃”的时间是指数次盗窃行为之间的时间间隔长短对于盗窃次数的认定可以产生影响;多次盗窃的空间是指数次盗窃行为之间空间间隔距离的远近对于盗窃次数的认定可以产生影响。成立“多次盗窃”的既遂,要求行为人在两年之内实施了三次相互独立的具有刑事可罚性的盗窃既遂行为;成立“多次盗窃”的未遂,要求行为人实施的三次盗窃行为中存在未遂形态。多次盗窃的类型三种,分别是单纯的“多次盗窃”行为,数额型盗窃行为与单纯“多次盗窃”行为的叠加,不同的非数额型盗窃行为的叠加。 在“入户盗窃”的司法认定上,主要涉及“户”和“入户”的含义、“入户盗窃”的既遂与未遂及其与相关犯罪的关系。“户”是指具有封闭性、私密性的居住功能场所;“入户”是指以非法方式侵入他人住宅的行为。成立“入户盗窃”的既遂,要求以“开始物色财物”为着手时间点,并且窃取到具有刑法保护价值的一定财物;成立“入户盗窃”的未遂,要求入户盗窃行为已经进入实行阶段,但由于意志以外的原因而未得逞。“入户盗窃”在一定条件下可能转化为非法侵入住宅罪或者抢劫罪。 在“携带凶器盗窃”的司法认定上,主要涉及“携带”的含义和“凶器”的范围、“携带凶器盗窃”的既遂与未遂及其转化犯问题。“携带”是指随身将物品置于身上或放在身边,使之处于随时可支配状态下的行为;“凶器”的范围包含性质意义上的凶器与用法意义上的凶器。成立“携带凶器盗窃”的既遂,要求行为人主观上对于凶器具有认识和利用意图,在盗窃实行阶段携带了凶器并窃得了他人的财物;成立“携带凶器盗窃”的未遂,要求行为人因为意志以外的原因致使盗窃未得逞或者并未窃取到具有刑法保护价值的财物。“携带凶器盗窃”一定条件下可以转化为抢劫罪。 在“扒窃”的司法认定上,主要涉及“扒窃”的概念和基本特征、“扒窃”的既遂与未遂及其转化犯问题。“扒窃”的概念是指行为人以非法占有为目的,违背他人意志,在一定场所窃取他人随身携带的具有紧密占有与支配属性的公私财物的行为。“扒窃”具有多为惯犯作案、不固定于公共场所、危害性大等基本特征。成立“扒窃”的既遂,要求行为人在一定的场所条件下,,窃得他人随身携带的具有刑法保护价值的财物;成立“扒窃”的未遂,要求行为人因为意志以外的原因而致使盗窃未得逞。“扒窃”在一定条件下可以转化为抢劫罪或者抢夺罪。
[Abstract]:In the judicial cognizance of "multiple theft", it mainly involves the time and space of "multiple theft", accomplished and attempted, and the type of behavior. The time of "multiple theft" means that the time interval between several times of theft can have an impact on the identification of the number of times of theft; The space of multiple theft refers to the distance between several times of theft, which can affect the identification of times of theft. The establishment of "multiple thefts" requires the perpetrator to carry out three independent criminal punishable acts of accomplished theft within two years, and to establish the attempt of "multiple theft". There is an attempted form in the three times of thefts that the actor is required to carry out. There are three types of multiple theft, namely, simple "multiple theft", the superposition between the amount of theft and the simple "multiple theft", the superposition of different non-amount theft, and the judicial recognition of "burglary". It mainly deals with the meaning of "household" and "household entry", the accomplice and attempt of "burglary" and its relationship with related crimes. "Household" refers to a closed, private living function place, and "entering a house" refers to the illegal invasion of other people's residence. The successful establishment of "burglary" requires that "the beginning of the search for property" be taken as the starting point, and that certain property of criminal law protection value be stolen, and that the attempted "burglary into the household" be established. The request for burglary has entered the stage of practice, but has not succeeded due to reasons other than will. Under certain conditions, "burglary" may be transformed into a crime of trespassing on a house or a crime of robbery. In the judicial determination of "burglary with murder weapon", it mainly involves the meaning of "carrying" and the scope of "weapon of murder". The problems of accomplished and attempted robbery with murder weapon and its transformed offense. "carrying" refers to the act of placing objects on or around them and making them at their disposal at any time. The scope of "murder weapon" includes the weapon of nature and the weapon of use. The establishment of the accomplished means of "armed theft with the murder weapon" requires the perpetrator to have subjective understanding and intention to use the weapon, to carry the weapon and steal the property of others in the stage of the theft, and to establish the attempt of "theft with the weapon with the murder weapon", The perpetrator is not successful or has not stolen the property which has the value of criminal law protection. In the judicial cognizance of "pickpocketing", the concept and basic characteristics of "pickpocketing" and the problems of accomplished and attempted pickpocketing and its transforming offense are mainly involved. The concept of "pickpocketing" refers to the behavior of the perpetrator who, against the will of others, steals the public and private property with the property of possession and domination, which is carried by others in a certain place, for the purpose of illegal possession. Pickpocketing has the basic characteristics of recidivism, not fixed in public places, great harmfulness and so on. The establishment of "pickpocketing" requires the perpetrator to steal the property with criminal law protection value carried by others under certain place conditions, and the attempt to set up "pickpocketing", The demand actor causes the theft to fail because of the reason other than will. Pickpocketing can be transformed into robbery or robbery under certain conditions.
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