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发布时间:2019-07-05 20:11
【摘要】:抢劫罪是社会上最为常见,并且危害性极大,影响极其恶劣的犯罪行为,这种行为严重损害了公民的人身权利和财产权利。一直以来都是刑法重点打击的对象。我国1997年颁布的现行刑法将抢劫罪从犯罪手段、犯罪地点、犯罪结果、犯罪对象、犯罪数额和次数上等多方面进行了不同的分类,于此同时对抢劫罪的加重犯在量刑上也做了区别于抢劫罪基本犯的规定,加重了刑罚。本文针对现行刑事立法和刑事司法解释,对抢劫罪的八种加重情节进行了深入系统的分析和论证,但本文不是单纯的讨论、解决每种情节中在实践上遇到的各类具体、细小的问题,而是将加重犯的相关理论与实务充分结合起来,并列举相关案例,来发现问题,解决问题。本文总共分为六个部分。 论文的第一部分是加重构成犯罪的概念与特征。因为本文是要对抢劫罪的加重犯进行研究,所以在对每一情节进行研究之前有必要对加重犯的相关问题有深入的了解。加重构成是指在基本犯的构成的基础上具有了加重要件的一种相对独立的犯罪构成形态。加重构成犯罪的特征主要是明确加重构成犯罪与基本犯罪构成的关系,通过比较得出加重构成犯罪是独立于基本犯罪构成的。对加重犯的分类研究是非常必要的,因为论文接下来的五个部分,分别根据加重犯的不同分类分别进行研究。加重犯的分类有很多种,笔者结合抢劫罪的八种加重情节,将加重犯分为五个类型,然后将抢劫罪的八种加重情节按照各自的特点放在不同的加重犯类型中进行研究。 论文的第二部分为抢劫罪的结果加重犯,主要研究抢劫致人死亡的争议问题。首先是探讨抢劫致人死亡的罪过形式,这一部分争议最大的是抢劫致人死亡是否包含故意杀人,笔者赞同肯定说的观点,认为应当包含故意杀人,但不意味着赞同所有在实施抢劫时,,杀害被害人的行为都认定为抢劫罪加重犯,应对其进行限定。接下来是论述抢劫致人死亡中“人”的范围,关于是否包含同案犯,笔者认为根据法定符合说得出的观点更可取。 论文的第三部分主要研究抢劫罪对象加重犯,首先对作为犯罪对象的金融机构、军用物资等如何认识与界定进行了论述。其次,探讨了行为人在实施抢劫过程中对犯罪对象在主观上的认识与界定本罪之间的关系,笔者认为行为人应该对抢劫对象达到明知的程度,无论是金融机构还是军用物资,根据主客观相一致原则,行为人必须明知其所抢劫的对象。 论文的第四部分是抢劫罪的手段加重犯,对抢劫罪中作为手段加重犯的持枪抢劫与冒充军警人员抢劫的行为方式进行了系统的分析。在持枪抢劫中,对“枪支”的界定与“显示”行为的理解进行了详细的探讨。关于持假枪抢劫问题,根据刑法解释原理及刑法基本原则,笔者认为持假枪抢劫不应包含在“持枪抢劫”中。对于持枪抢劫这一犯罪行为中的“持有”,笔者认为只要是行为人随身携带,并且明知自己携带枪支就应构成“持枪”这一加重构成要件。在冒充军警人员抢劫中,对“冒充”的理解以及真正军警人员实施抢劫也存在很大争议,根据不同的学说观点,从行为的社会危害性及对受害人的强制性角度出发,笔者更赞同当真正军警人员公开自己身份实施抢劫时不应将其作为抢劫罪的加重犯的观点。 论文的第五部分是抢劫罪的地点加重犯,先对地点加重犯的概念与特征进行了论述。之后以入户抢劫与在公共交通工具上抢劫为例,对作为犯罪地点的“户”与“公共交通工具”的特征进行了探讨,通过论述加重构成犯罪是否具有未完成形态来对“入户抢劫”是否存在未完成形态进行了研究。 论文的第六部分是抢劫罪的数额加重犯,对抢劫数额巨大中的犯罪“数额”的认定标准进行了分析探讨,关于行为人劫取机动车辆当做犯罪工具或者逃跑工具使用的情况该如何认定?笔者结合案例及犯罪构成理论对其进行了分析,认为被告人主观上是否具有非法占有机动车辆的目的是认定抢劫加重犯的关键。最后论述了抢劫数额巨大的既未遂问题,笔者主张该加重犯存在未遂形态。
[Abstract]:The crime of robbery is the most common in the society, and it is harmful to the most serious crimes, which seriously damages the citizen's personal rights and property rights. It has been the subject of the focus of the criminal law all the time. The current criminal law enacted in 1997 classifies the crime of robbery from the crime means, the crime place, the crime result, the crime object, the amount of the crime and the number of times, The penalty was aggravated. In the light of the current criminal legislation and the criminal judicial interpretation, the eight aggravating circumstances of the crime of robbery have been analyzed and proved in-depth. It combines the relevant theory and practice of the aggravated crime, and lists the relevant cases to find the problem and solve the problem. This paper is divided into six parts. The first part of the paper is the concept of aggravating the crime and the special situation. Because this article is to study the aggravated offense of the crime of robbery, it is necessary to make an in-depth study of the related problems of the aggravated offense before the study of each plot is carried out. On the basis of the constitution of the basic offender, it is a relatively independent constitution of the important part. The characteristics of the aggravation of the crime are mainly the relation between the crime and the basic crime constitution, and the result of the aggravated crime is independent of the basic crime constitution. It is very necessary to study the classification of the aggravated offense, because the next five parts of the thesis are respectively carried out according to the different classification of the aggravated crime. The classification of the aggravated crime has many kinds. The author divides the aggravated crime into five types according to the eight aggravating circumstances of the robbery, and then puts the eight aggravating circumstances of the robbery into the different type of aggravated crime according to their own characteristics. The second part of the thesis is the result of the robbery, and the main study of the robbery and the death of the person The first is to explore the form of the crime of robbery and death. The most controversial is whether the robbery and the death of the person involved the intentional killing. The author agrees with the positive view that it should include the intentional killing, but it does not mean that all the killings are in place. In the case of a robbery, the actions of the victims were found to be aggravated by the crime of robbery and should be taken into account. The following is a discussion of the scope of the person "in the death of a person", as to whether or not to include a co-author, and the author considers that it is based on the point of view that the law is in line with the theory The third part of the thesis mainly deals with the aggravated offense of the crime of robbery, first, how to know and define the financial institution, military material and so on as the object of the crime. Secondly, the author discusses the relationship between the crime object's subjective cognition and the definition of the crime in the course of the robbery, and the author thinks that the doer should have the knowledge of the robbery object, whether the financial institution or the military material, according to the main objective in accordance with that principle of conformity, the actor must know that he or she The fourth part of the thesis is the means of the robbery, the armed robbery as a means of the robbery and the way of the robbery of the police and the police. The analysis of the system is done. In the armed robbery, the definition of the "a gun" and the understanding of the "show" behavior On the basis of the principle of criminal law and the basic principles of criminal law, the author thinks that the robbery should not be included in the "trunk>" armed robberty ". . For "hold" in the criminal act of armed robbery, the author thinks that as long as it is carried by the doer, and knowing that he or she is carrying a gun, it should form a "a gun" in that robbery of the impersonation of the uniformed personnel, the understanding of the "impersonation" and the robbery of the real uniformed personnel also have a great deal of dispute, according to the different viewpoint of the theory, from the social harmfulness of the conduct and to the victim From a mandatory point of view, the author further agrees that when the real uniformed personnel disclose their identity for robbery, it should not be used as a crime of robbery The fifth part of the thesis is the aggravated crime of the duty of the crime of robbery. After the discussion on the characteristics of the public transportation, the author discusses the characteristics of the "and the household" as the crime point, and discusses the existence of the public transportation vehicle by the discussion of whether the aggravated crime has an incomplete form. The sixth part of the thesis is the aggravating of the amount of the robbery, and the criteria for the identification of the criminal "Amount" in the large amount of the robbery are analyzed and discussed. How to determine the situation of the defendant? The author analyzes the case and the theory of the constitution of the crime, and concludes that the defendant has the purpose of illegally occupying the motor vehicle. It is the key to the identification of the aggravated offense of the robbery. Finally, the author discusses the large amount of the robbery, which is not only the attempt but also the author.


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