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发布时间:2018-01-02 17:20

  本文关键词:高层隔震结构地震响应及损伤评估研究 出处:《上海大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 高层隔震结构 地震强度指标 能量平衡 能量谱 单纯质点法 摆动效应 损伤 长周期地震动 等效线性碰撞刚度模型 滞回耗能

【摘要】:随着城市化进程的加速,我国高层建筑结构的建造数量日益增加。但1999年集集地震和2010年智利地震中高层建筑结构遭受严重破坏的震害表明,其抗震性能正面临严峻考验。自我国发生汶川地震及雅安地震后,为了防止地震作用对高层建筑结构造成严重损伤破坏,通过在高层建筑结构的基础中设置隔震层的高层隔震技术应用得到迅速发展。研究高层隔震结构在强震中的地震响应及损伤机理具有重要的现实意义。由于地震动的不确定性,如何采用合理有效的地震强度来评价高层隔震结构的性能状态,并对高层隔震结构进行地震响应预测及损伤性能评估等问题,已成为高层隔震结构实际工程应用和技术发展的障碍。针对以上问题,考虑到地震动的复杂性和高层建筑结构的振动特性,提出高层隔震结构的有效地震强度指标、地震响应预测理论及地震碰撞损伤性能评价方法。 主要研究工作和成果如下: (1)采用动力弹塑性时程方法对高层隔震结构等效单自由度简化模型和三维空间模型进行6类地震强度指标相关性效果比较研究。6类指标包括地震波加速度峰值(PGA)、地震波速度峰值(PGV)、地震波位移峰值(PGD)、地震波速度和加速度峰值之比(PGV/PGA)、加速度谱(S a(T1))和等效速度谱(VE (T1))。工程需求参数包含上部结构层间变形、顶层加速度和隔震层位移响应。通过构造有效的地震指标矩阵作为高层隔震结构动力弹塑性分析的地震波样本属性表征,并基于模糊聚类算法对地震波样本进行分类。结合模糊聚类算法和有效地震强度指标提出了高层隔震结构动力弹塑性时程分析地震记录选择方法。 (2)采用44条远场地震波和20条近场脉冲型地震波作为输入,,对双线性单自由度(SDOF)系统进行非线性时程分析、总输入能量谱分析及滞回耗能谱分析。基于等延性准则建立了适用于长周期弹塑性结构的滞回耗能谱模型。该模型基于一个新的参数-特征滞回耗能系数来反映滞回耗能与总能量的比值、屈服力系数及延性系数之间的关系。基于能量谱模型及能量平衡原理提出了非弹性单自由度(SDOF)系统的位移预测方法。比较了秋山宏能量平衡式、Leelataviwat能量平衡式及提出的平衡式的计算精度,验证了提出的模型及方法的有效性。结合能量谱模型及多模态推覆分解理论(MPA法)提出了高层隔震结构多模态能量谱法。基于能量等效原理修正了高层隔震结构二阶振型能力曲线翻转问题。将提出的能量谱模型应用到某12层高层隔震结构算例中。 (3)针对高层隔震结构的双质点简化模型提出了可快速计算其地震响应的单纯质点包络分析方法,该方法基于基底剪力及能量等效原则来建立简化两质点分析模型与原结构模型之间的转换关系及简化模型的参数取值,推导得到了确定地震反应的两个关键参数:刚度转换系数和质量比。基于能量平衡方法提出了高层隔震结构简化分析模型包络反应的计算式,并利用能量平衡原理及模型参数转换关系来预测原高层隔震结构的各层地震反应包络值。对22层高层隔震结构工程实例首先进行了双质点模型的转化,其后验证了单纯质点法的有效性和分析精度。将该方法拓展至考虑隔震层摆动的高层隔震体系中,建立了考虑摆动效应的高层隔震结构简化分析模型,提出了隔震层的转角预测公式,并采用简化方法对隔震支座的竖向受力进行了预测。基于高宽比为2.5和5.0的隔震结构模型振动台试验验证了提出的地震响应预测公式的准确性和适用性。 (4)对108个隔震支座破损试验结果进行了调查统计,分析了支座的极限剪切应变、形状系数与支座直径之间的关系。采用60条近断层脉冲型地震(脉冲周期为0.69~5.9s)计算了简化单质点隔震模型及简化两自由度隔震模型的损伤数值,考察了支座屈服力系数(2.8%、5%、10%、15%)、硬化位移(150%、200%、250%、300%)对支座损伤的影响,以及上部结构不同屈服力对主体结构损伤数值影响。基于混凝土弹塑性损伤本构和钢材延性损伤本构建立了15层钢框架-核心筒高层隔震结构精细有限元模型,并采用显示动力有限元方法分析了常规地震波作用和近断层脉冲地震作用下高层隔震结构的核心筒、楼板及钢框架动力弹塑性损伤演化及屈服应力情况。基于材料层次、楼层层次及整体结构三个层次的损伤情况提出了高层隔震结构的损伤性能评估方法,采用该方法对所建立的高层隔震结构数值模型的地震损伤指标进行了计算,该方法可以作为同类型结构损伤性能评估及性能化设计的参考。 (5)针对现有等效线性碰撞刚度取值缺乏理论指导的问题,基于Hertz-damp模型结构碰撞系统和Kevin模型结构碰撞系统的碰撞过程中能量耗散、最大碰撞压缩变形相等的原则推导了Kevin模型等效线性碰撞刚度的计算公式,通过数值分析、落球碰撞试验及结构振动台试验验证了所建议刚度模型的合理性和精确度。选择了两组长周期地震波研究了近断层及远源长周期地震作用下隔震结构长周期位移谱的阻尼系数。比较了我国、日本、欧洲、美国等国家抗震规范阻尼系数的变化规律。研究表明,我国抗震规范在计算周期小于6s的结构时的所计算的阻尼系数偏保守,日本、欧洲及美国国家规范在计算近断层长周期地震对应的阻尼系数均偏小。基于简化的两自由度模型和22层高层框架剪力墙结构模型研究了长周期地震动作用下碰撞效应对结构加速度、层间位移、隔震层位移地震响应和滞回耗能的影响。研究表明,近断层地震作用下隔震层位移小于在远源地震作用下的数值,但对上部结构造成的损伤更严重。碰撞效应不仅会激发高层隔震结构的高阶振型,而且会造成主体结构滞回耗能增加,因而易于引起结构损伤。
[Abstract]:With the accelerated process of city, the number of high-rise building structure in China is increasing. But the 1999 Chi Chi earthquake damage of high-rise building structure earthquake and the 2010 earthquake in Chile suffered serious damage that its seismic performance is facing a severe test. The Wenchuan earthquake and the Ya'an earthquake in China, in order to prevent the earthquake caused serious damage the high-rise building structure, the rapid development of the application of high-rise isolation isolation layer is set in the foundation of high-rise buildings. The research of high-rise isolated structure in the earthquake in the earthquake response and damage has important practical significance. Due to the vibration mechanism of uncertainty, how to adopt reasonable and effective seismic intensity to evaluate the performance of state level the isolation structure, and the prediction of the seismic response and damage performance appraisal problems of high-rise buildings, has become a high-rise isolated structure Considering the above problems, considering the complexity of the ground motion and the vibration characteristics of high-rise buildings, effective earthquake intensity index, earthquake response prediction theory and seismic damage evaluation method of high-rise isolation structures are proposed.
The main research work and results are as follows:
(1) the dynamic elastic-plastic time history method, comparative study of.6 indexes including seismic wave peak acceleration of equivalent high-rise isolated structure is simplified to a single degree of freedom model and three-dimensional model of 6 kinds of earthquake intensity index correlation effect (PGA), the seismic wave velocity peak (PGV), seismic wave, seismic peak displacement (PGD) wave velocity and peak acceleration ratio (PGV/PGA), acceleration spectrum (S a (T1)) and equivalent velocity spectra (VE (T1)). The engineering demand parameters including an upper storey deformation, top acceleration and displacement of isolation layer. By constructing seismic response index matrix as effective as high dynamic elastic isolation structure seismic attribute characterization analysis of the sample, and the seismic wave samples are classified. Combined with the fuzzy clustering algorithm based on fuzzy clustering algorithm and effective earthquake intensity index proposed high-rise isolated structure dynamic elastic-plastic time history analysis of seismic record selection Method.
(2) the 44 far field seismic waves and 20 near field pulse type earthquake wave as input, the bilinear single degree of freedom (SDOF) system of nonlinear time history analysis, the total input energy spectrum analysis and hysteretic energy spectra analysis. Based on the ductility criteria was established for long period of elastoplastic structures the hysteretic energy spectrum model. This model features a new parameter - based on hysteretic energy dissipation coefficient to reflect the ratio of hysteretic energy and the total energy, the relationship between yield strength coefficient and ductility coefficient. The energy spectrum model and energy balance principle is put forward based on the inelastic single degree of freedom (SDOF) system displacement prediction method Akiyama Hiroshi. Energy balance, energy balance and the accuracy of the Leelataviwat type of balance type, verify the effectiveness of the model and method presented in this paper. Combined with the energy spectrum model and multi modal pushover decomposition theory (MPA) proposed senior isolation The multimodal energy spectrum method for seismic structure is applied. Based on the principle of energy equivalence, the two level vibration mode reversal problem of high-rise isolation structure is corrected. The proposed energy spectrum model is applied to a 12 story high-rise isolation structure.
(3) based on the simplified model of double particle high-rise isolated structure puts forward the simple particle envelope can quickly compute the seismic response analysis method, the method of base shear and energy equivalent principle is established based on simplified analysis of two particle parameters and simplified model transformation between model and original structure model, is derived to determine the two the key parameters of the seismic response of stiffness coefficient and the mass conversion ratio. The energy balance method based on the simplified formula of the response envelope analysis model of high-rise isolated structure is proposed, and the principle of energy balance and the parameters of the model to predict the conversion between the seismic response envelope of the original high-rise isolated structure. On the 22 layer of high-rise isolated structure engineering example the first transformation of double mass model, then verify the validity and accuracy of analysis of simple particle method. This method is extended to consider the isolation layer The swing of the high-rise isolation system, a simplified analysis model of high-rise isolated structure is put forward considering the effect of swing angle, the isolation layer of the prediction formula, and by using the simplified method to predict the vertical force on the bearings. The ratio of height to width of vibration isolation structure model test 2.5 and 5 to verify the prediction accuracy of the formula and the applicability of the proposed based on seismic response.
(4) on the 108 bearing damage test results for the survey, analysis of the ultimate shear strain bearing, the relationship between shape factor and bearing diameter. The 60 near fault pulse type earthquake (pulse cycle 0.69~5.9s) simplified single isolated damage numerical model and simplified two degree of freedom isolation model calculation effects of bearing force coefficient, yield (2.8%, 5%, 10%, 15%), (150%, 200%, hardening displacement 250%, 300%) influence on bearing damage, as well as the upper structure of different yield force on the influence of structural damage. The main numerical elasto plasticity damage constitutive models for concrete and steel ductile damage constitutive established fine Co. element model of 15 storey steel frame core tube high-rise isolated structure based on and analysis of the conventional seismic wave and near fault pulse under earthquake of high-rise isolated structure core tube using dynamic finite element method, floor slab and steel frame Dynamic elastoplastic damage evolution and yield stress. Based on the level of material damage, three levels of floor level and the overall structure of the proposed method of evaluating the damage performance of high-rise isolated structure, using the method of numerical model of high-rise isolated structure based on the seismic damage index were calculated, the method can be used as chemical the design of the same type of structure damage performance evaluation and performance reference.
(5) according to the existing equivalent linear impact stiffness value of lack of theoretical guidance, the energy dissipation collision process of the Hertz-damp model and Kevin model system structure collision collision system based on the principle of equal derived maximum collision deformation stiffness formula of Kevin model of equivalent linear collision, through numerical analysis, the shaking table ball fell the collision test and structure test verifies the proposed stiffness model is reasonable and accurate. The two long period seismic wave on the damping coefficient spectrum of long period of isolation structure displacement near fault and far source of long period earthquakes. Compared with China, Japan, Europe, the United States and other countries seismic codes variation of damping coefficient the research shows that the Chinese seismic code in the structure calculation period is less than 6S when the calculated damping coefficient is conservative, Japan, Europe and the United States in the national standard A damping coefficient of near fault long-period seismic corresponding was small. Two degree of freedom simplified model and 22 storey high-rise frame shear wall structure model based on the long period seismic collision effects on structural layer displacement, acceleration, displacement of isolation layer hysteretic effect of seismic response and energy consumption. The results show that numerical under near fault earthquake displacement of isolation layer is less than the far source under the action of earthquake, but the cause of the upper structure of the damage is more serious. The high modes will not only impact effect of high-rise isolated structure excitation, and will cause the main structure of the hysteretic energy increases, so it is easy to cause structural damage.



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